
Profile: Steve Major (smajor)

Comment Count 12 comments
10 xtras

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# by smajor on 09/14/11 at 01:24:04

Does anyone know if this is still being developed? It's not working with the latest Adium, bots are getting through...

# by smajor on 08/11/08 at 09:56:55

I note that the dock badges and unread message counts for this are tiny, tiny, tiny. Is that because the icon is so large? 512x512? If so, could you do a sm/med/large varient so those of us without huge dock icons don't have this problem?

# by smajor on 04/18/08 at 16:31:45

Great theme, my new favorite. Since 1.1 letters such as jygp have their lower case dangly parts cut off. It's less noticeable with Calibri installed, but a couple rows of pixels are still missing even with the suggested font.

# by smajor on 01/19/08 at 09:59:24

I've re-uploaded the extra, I don't know why it had the wrong archive, that isn't even one of my sound sets!

# by smajor on 12/22/05 at 05:09:48

Whoops, fixed in 2.0.1. Thanks timbo13!