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Submitted By Steve Major (smajor)


Converted sounds from the multi-protocol IM client Gaim. Includes two soundsets, the original sounds from the 1.x version and the new sounds from 2.x.


0.2.0 - initial release of Gaim 1.0 sounds.
2.0.0 - added Gaim 2.0 sounds.
2.0.1 - corrected Gaim.txt naming error causing both sound set to not show up at the same time.


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# by evands on 12/20/05 at 19:35:36

I really most like the 2.x sounds.. seriously considering using some as default sounds in Adium 1.0

# by timbo13 on 12/22/05 at 02:37:35

The Gaim1.AdiumSoundset and Gaim2.AdiumSoundset packages in this archive contain an incorrectly named Gaim.txt which should be named Gaim1.txt and Gaim2.txt so this soundset fails to show up in Adium's soundset list.

# by smajor on 12/22/05 at 09:09:48

Whoops, fixed in 2.0.1. Thanks timbo13!

# by sean_micken on 06/13/06 at 16:47:08

evands: I agree. The Gaim2 sounds are excellent.

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981.49kb (5154 downloads)

3.30 / 147 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 12/22/05
Original sounds: