
Profile: Kelley Chambers (kelleychambers)

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# by kelleychambers on 07/17/12 at 17:44:56

I don't care what new styles come out this is ALWAYS my defacto, go to style... it's my favorite and probably always will be. Clean, crisp and VERY minimalistic. KUDOS!!!

# by kelleychambers on 07/17/12 at 17:44:24

I don't care what new styles come out this is ALWAYS my defacto, go to style... it's my favorite and probably always will be. Clean, crisp and VERY minimalistic. KUDOS!!!

# by kelleychambers on 05/15/12 at 23:34:06

I'm getting the same thing as sarabbi.... "Plugin not supported on your native architecture"... makes me think this plugin isn't compatible for Lion. It also makes me think that since it's three years old, the dev isn't keeping up with the growth of the plugin; which blows. :(

# by kelleychambers on 01/20/11 at 15:26:03

Having used Adium for many years, I can honestly say this is the only soundset that I have not had to "customize". It's not just pleasant but it's VERY office friendly. While a lot of the soundsets are funny or entertaining for a while, this is just down right perfect. I have bookmarked it so that I can re-download it the next time I have to install re-Adium. YOU ROCK! Thank you and five ducks up! :)

# by kelleychambers on 01/20/11 at 14:50:51

I've been using Adium for YEARS... and this message style is by FAR my favorite. Highly customizable yet clean. Three cheers to the author!!!!