
Profile: Guillaume Bouvier (Yohmgaï)

Comment Count 14 comments
1 xtras

Latest comments

# by Yohmgaï on 06/25/09 at 13:06:24

Very funny. Adopted ^^

# by Yohmgaï on 02/08/09 at 07:04:24

I really like his head, that nasty shiny duck ^^
But I hope you'll enhance the way new unread lines are notified in head mode :)

# by Yohmgaï on 11/27/08 at 05:42:30

I'm using this theme since the day of Leopard, thanks to space. I just changed the size of the fonts and of the personnal pictures to make it really bigger, so it's soooo comfortable. But there is a bug anyway... I can't clic on emoticons to make them appear as text... I also found that if the conversation is too big, it suffers and all the tabs are slowed down (but it's rare).

Even if there is no update since more than a year, I hope you will fix it someday :)

Thank you so much for this theme :)

# by Yohmgaï on 03/30/07 at 15:54:04

Why have you disabled this xtra ? I have deleted it by accident and now I can't use it anymore, I'm so sad, it was so usefull...
Pleeeeeaaaase send it baaaack :'(

Thanks ^^

# by Yohmgaï on 02/27/07 at 12:35:52

Everyhing I hate in instant messenging emoticons ^^