
Profile: crux

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# by crux on 03/17/10 at 14:14:09

great theme! would love to use it as standart... but I'm unable to change the font size (only while writing: "command +") how come!?!?!?

# by crux on 03/17/10 at 14:01:08

thanks anyways... i'll address that to the "pretty simple" author.

# by crux on 03/17/10 at 03:15:01

great theme! would love to use it as standart... but I'm unable to change the font size (only while writing: "command +") how come!?!?!?

# by crux on 11/03/09 at 20:45:10

same here

# by crux on 10/25/09 at 16:05:57

aaaand how did you manage that? i would love to have that inplanted in"ravenant" or others... : )