
Profile: Eric Fields (ericdfields)

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# by ericdfields on 01/30/07 at 21:03:19

Alright... i think was just flippin out for a while. works beautifully now.

BTW... i highly recommend using this quicksilver action in combination with this adium plugin:

Set my Adium away message to be %_Twitter, type ctrl+space, [period], [message], tab, tw(autocompletes to 'twitter'), and BAM... IM and Twitter status are the same. Harmony.

# by ericdfields on 01/30/07 at 19:56:48

Well i missed the RSS thing as well. I put my ID in and set my status to '%_Twitter' but my status simply reads 'adium'

Any takers?

# by ericdfields on 01/30/07 at 19:51:31

I followed the default instructions, saving the config after it popps up after the first %_Twitter, but it seems to not work after that. What's the next step I should take?