
Profile: mnuages

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# by mnuages on 08/26/07 at 10:54:06

sorry, i put html in the previous message and it doesn't work

you should replace : span class="img1" onClick = "toggle(this);"
by : span class="img2"

# by mnuages on 08/26/07 at 10:43:44

thank you
there are several ways to do what you want, i think this one is quite easy :

1. open /Content/Resources/main.css (TextEdit will do it)
2. delete this part : p.title .img1 img { … }
3. transform "p.title .img2" into "p.title .img2, p.title .img1"
4. transform "p.title .img2 img" into "p.title .img2 img, p.title .img1 img"
5. restart Adium

but i'd prefer this one (quick and easy as well) :

1. open /Content/Resources/Incoming/Content.html (with TextEdit)
2. find
3. replace it by
4. do the same with Incoming/Context.html, Outgoing/Content.html and Outgoing/Context.html
5. restart Adium

et voilà :)

# by mnuages on 05/22/07 at 07:38:53

well, i don't think so simply because i don't own the design's copyright

# by mnuages on 01/29/07 at 12:58:35

i'm not sure to understand what you are talking about,
do you mean the effect you can see when you start a conversation with renkoo for example ?

if so, you can easily make it like that :
open /Content/Resources/Template.html,
and copy/paste the following code in the end of the javascript

var intervall_scroll;
function scrollToBottom() {
//document.body.scrollTop = (document.body.scrollHeight-window.innerHeight);
if( intervall_scroll ) clearInterval( intervall_scroll );
intervall_scroll = setInterval( function() {
var target_scroll = (document.body.scrollHeight-window.innerHeight);
var scrolldiff = target_scroll - document.body.scrollTop;
if ( document.body.scrollTop != target_scroll ) {
var saved_scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
document.body.scrollTop += scrolldiff / 5 + ( scrolldiff >= 0 ? (scrolldiff != 0 ) : -1 );
} else {
saved_scroll = -1;
clearInterval( intervall_scroll );
} , 10 );

tell me if you don't get it,

# by mnuages on 01/26/07 at 09:14:22

thanks for the comments !

i've already tried to build a matching contact list but i'm not happy with it,
if you're interested in making one this could help you :

- the background image :
- the fonts : Baskerville (14px) and Lucida Grande (10px)

good luck ;)