
Profile: kylan

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# by kylan on 03/26/07 at 23:18:23

Ahh. Fantastic! Thank you, this looks great.

# by kylan on 03/26/07 at 20:08:03

This style is awesome, but one question:

in the previews above, the colored boxes (where the name and timestamps are) look much "glossier" than the version that is included with Adium 1.x. Is the change in version 4.0 referring to this difference, and if so, is it possible to find the glossy version somewhere?

# by kylan on 10/25/06 at 01:18:09

This is really nice. Great job. The only thing I would change is maybe make the links a softer color other than the straight 0000FF blue that contrasts kind of harshly with the black background.