Absolutely fantastic! My new favorite message style.
I'd really like to see a few tiny alterations though. I find it rather hard to distinguish between my own and other people's messages (for example when the incoming message text color option is turned off). People setting their own text color is ok, but that becomes a problem when people use black text. Would it be possible to convert black text into white and leave other colors intact? Any other solutions for separating own messages from those of other people would be very welcome.
# by TotakekeNL on 10/05/06 at 09:12:55
I'd really like to see a few tiny alterations though. I find it rather hard to distinguish between my own and other people's messages (for example when the incoming message text color option is turned off). People setting their own text color is ok, but that becomes a problem when people use black text. Would it be possible to convert black text into white and leave other colors intact? Any other solutions for separating own messages from those of other people would be very welcome.