
Profile: Danielo Silva (dssilva)

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# by dssilva on 01/07/07 at 10:09:09

i would then this working automatically when i change my status. has how?

# by dssilva on 10/10/06 at 22:08:18

how can i show the subnick bellow my users on contact list?

# by dssilva on 10/05/06 at 17:49:46

Sorry about my mistake. Your tip dont work here, in my preferences advanced/msn just have: display custom emoticons and show display names as status messages, this just make show the name of user

# by dssilva on 10/04/06 at 21:05:31

Opa cara.. Brasileiro?! Como você fez para poder ver os subnicks que o pessoal usa no msn?!