
Profile: Elliott Cable (ecable)

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# by ecable on 09/20/08 at 07:48:56

Probably, you'd have to ask Evands how to do that.

# by ecable on 06/11/07 at 18:58:04

Hey. Just a few suggestions - this would be a lot more useful if you could, instead of IT taking the screenshot, just choose to send the lastest 'Picture X.png' file that's on the user's desktop? Then I could take pictures of multiple desktops (which I have) or a specific window or whatever or a specific box on screen; have all the Grab features already built into OS X available to me and such...

# by ecable on 05/20/07 at 17:51:59

sounds good to me! I'm just hoping that people have some common sense, probably a bad thing to count on in most cases d-:

# by ecable on 05/07/07 at 16:02:41

P.S. You could use Twitterrific to set adium, skype, iChat, and twitter all at once if you so desire; that's what I do.

# by ecable on 05/07/07 at 16:02:14

You don't. That's a totally different idea. This is pulling down from twitter to adium status. Or whatever in adium.