Profile: Tw1x
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# by Tw1x on 11/08/04 at 11:03:52
Okay. I got it to work on my computer again. You need to right-click on the original ProLCD.AdiumMessageStyle file and select "Show Package Contents". Notice there is *another* file in there named the same. THAT'S the actual message theme. Move it onto the Desktop. Before actually opening it, go to "your user/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Message Styles" and remove any old copy of it if it's in there from you trying to install it. Now you can either double-click the real file we just removed from the package, or drag it in the .../.../.../Message Styles folder. If you do the latter I think you have to relaunch Adium, I'm not sure.
It didn't show up for me, so I tried deleting a theme I'd never use, then it worked fine. Hope that helps!
It didn't show up for me, so I tried deleting a theme I'd never use, then it worked fine. Hope that helps!
# by Tw1x on 11/08/04 at 10:51:10
Alright, yeah, something is up with the ProLCD Message Theme that I included. I got the file from in which the theme was included. After opening it myself it hasn't worked like everyone has said, which is definitely weird since I had gotten it to work before and then stopped using it and deleted it. So I'll try me best to fix the problem.
# by Tw1x on 11/16/04 at 11:24:24