
Profile: ikab asm (abarrera)

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# by abarrera on 11/18/14 at 17:29:03

Thanks for your work ThYpHoOn, the plugin is working, but, today I connect 1 minute and the next one I am disconnected.
So, I get connected send a message, later I get a disconnection.

# by abarrera on 11/15/14 at 03:10:14

I am sorry, but I get this message.
Tested with Adium 1.5.9 and 1.5.10 and get the next messages
Plugin WhatsAppAdiumPlugin Will be Disabled
This plugin does not support your native architecture.

# by abarrera on 11/15/14 at 03:07:11

Thanks ThYpHoOn, I download install with Adium 1.5.9 and 1.5.10 and get the next messages
Plugin WhatsAppAdiumPlugin Will be Disabled
This plugin does not support your native architecture.
Thanks in advance again.

# by abarrera on 11/14/14 at 00:54:22

Unable to Download