
Profile: John Haitas (jhaitas)

Google Talk
Comment Count 6 comments
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# by jhaitas on 05/19/08 at 01:44:16


# by jhaitas on 05/19/08 at 01:38:33

The kit in no way resembles the HSV kit...

Yes, the club badge and sponsorship are correct, but any football fan can see this is a rebadged Arsenal kit...

This bears a striking resemblance to the Arsenal Adiumy...

Bastian Tonn (btonn),
Please remove the (C) in the credits. Please be a gentleman and give me credit for my work. I respect that you want to show support for your club. If you had asked, I would have been happy to share my source materials and production methods – I still would. Please, be a sport.

Best Regards,

# by jhaitas on 08/17/07 at 00:53:00

well done...

be advised that there is a strange indent bug when buddy icons are displayed in 1.1.1 - but i don't display this theme with icons...

time stamps would be a nice option - not standard

# by jhaitas on 08/17/07 at 00:30:40

you can pull your buddy's information directly from the address book just like ABTooltip plugin does... do you need help implementing this?

# by jhaitas on 07/25/06 at 19:38:54

Could you make an Adiumy wearing the new Arsenal home strip?