
Profile: webmotiva NDL (webmotiva)

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# by webmotiva on 11/16/08 at 18:09:17

The Curitiba's Official Site for the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil:

# by webmotiva on 11/16/08 at 18:06:08

The second best soccer team in Curitiba.

# by webmotiva on 11/16/08 at 18:03:22

Thanks! The team with the best soccer (football) stadium in Brazil. Curitiba rocks! Furacão!

# by webmotiva on 11/16/08 at 18:01:33

It does not make sense if you need to run Skype too.

# by webmotiva on 11/08/08 at 15:54:32