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Submitted By Eion Robb (BigBrownChunx)


What more can I say? It's the Skype API protocol plugin for Adium. Lets you bring through your Skype buddies into Adium and chat with them. (Needs Skype to be running to work)

More information, source files, recent updates, screenshots, and more are at:


8 Nov 2010
* Fix for working with Skype 5 Beta
* Fix for outgoing SkypeOut calls showing an incoming call popup
* Plugin fixed to specify that it only works with Adium 1.4

23 Aug 2011
* Fix for not being able to connect to Skype on OSX Lion
* Fix for buddies always appearing at the bottom of the contact list (Still don't stay where you move them to though)

9 Feb 2012
* Updated crashing on Adium 1.5 to prevent being blacklisted
* Disabled groups, since all buddies were being added without a group



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by Brutal on 11/28/07 at 18:27:58

Needs Skype running?

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/29/07 at 08:59:51


# by lofight on 11/28/07 at 18:28:23

very nice!! the only big downside imo is that skype needs to be running...

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/29/07 at 09:00:34

thanks. I agree it's not the best needing skype to be running, but it's a start, and may be the best we can get until someone works out the skype protocol

# by csquared on 11/29/07 at 19:25:29

I realize there's a technical limitation here, but the whole redundancy issue makes this little more than a gimmick—and not terribly useful. It's well implemented for what it is.

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/05/07 at 22:59:09

Fair enough... this plugin won't satisfy everyone... but if you've got Skype and Adium both open anyway, why not keep all your contacts all in one place? ;)

# by Anarco on 12/11/07 at 02:54:46

Thanks, it's great ! Merci c'est super !

# by vinko on 12/11/07 at 05:30:11

Great plugin, but like the other users It would be great if Skype does not have to be running.

I do have a problem of it crashing sometimes when I receive a message from Skype. Well to be exact Adium crashes. Adium did not have this issue prior to installing this Skype plugin.

I am using:
Adium v1.1.4
Skype (Beta) v2.7.0.49
Mac OS 10.5.1

BTW: if I need to, how do I uninstall the plugin.

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/11/07 at 06:06:38

I'm trying to track down all the crashes, it's tricky when the crash log says it's a problem in Adium though :)

To uninstall (like any other plugin) remove from ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Plugins/ then restart Adium

# by alexandrriana on 12/14/07 at 16:01:50

Nice...but I just dont like the way that I have to open skype to use it on adium

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/15/07 at 22:01:02

I'm working on the plugin auto-starting Skype when needed... look for it in a coming release :)

# by jyaltma on 12/15/07 at 03:02:19

how do i make it so that when i start a chat in adium with a skype contact, the chat window doesn't also pop up in skype?

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/15/07 at 22:01:51

You can hide the Skype window from the account menu in Adium, otherwise, use the apple-h combo while Skype is focused and Skype should disappear.

# by tobeon on 12/23/07 at 16:41:14

It would be good if it only showed skype contacts and not every number you had stored.

# by Anarco on 01/06/08 at 16:20:58

You should create a group in Adium for the Skype Out contact, so it's possible to close this group.

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/06/08 at 18:23:46

Yep, thats in the newest version now.

# by HenkPoley on 12/28/07 at 20:57:10

Apparently doesn't work at all on Adium X 1.2b6. Plugin is not visible on the accounts page.

# by pinin on 01/06/08 at 11:00:30

I've problems with this plug-in on Adium 1.2
It simply doesn't work!

# by letigrebleu on 01/06/08 at 12:49:00

I have the same problem. I've just updated Adium 1.2 and my account skype (in Adium) is deleted. I install skype plug-in and nothing…
I'm disappoint.

# by Meuh on 01/06/08 at 16:11:10

Yep, Adium 1.2 has killed the plugin for me too.

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/06/08 at 18:23:29

New version posted (probably have to wait for approval again though before it shows up first) which works with Adium 1.2

# by Meuh on 01/06/08 at 20:11:44

That's great news.

# by Meuh on 01/06/08 at 20:50:50

. . . except it doesn't seem to work. I've downloaded the new plugin and installed that; then, when that didn't work, deleted the plugin and reinstalled it; logged in and logged out; restarted my Mac; tried with Skype running and without Skype running - and Skype API will not appear as an option in the Add Account menu

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/06/08 at 22:06:13

Try newest version now... turned out to be a conflict between libgthread thats in the Plugin and the version in Adium 1.2

# by Meuh on 01/06/08 at 23:23:14

I'm now halfway there. I deleted my old Skype account in Admium, recreated it thanks to the latest version of the plugin (Skype API is again an option). . . but it never connects. It doesn't seem to care whether Skype's running, either. Perhaps it's just me. Would be good to know if anyone else is having more luck.

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/07/08 at 00:16:15

Upgrading seems to be weird. Try changing your user name in the account options and see if that works. Otherwise you can contact me directly on Skype if you need help.

# by greekgroover on 01/07/08 at 10:00:56

Got the same Problem here. Skype won't even ask my if I allow adium to access it. It just says connecting... something we are missing? some option we need to enable?

# by charlie on 01/07/08 at 16:48:26

Same problem here, but partially solved:

You need each time to go to /homeuser/library/application support/Adium2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
And delete the file "accounts.xml"
After you can run adium, and the plugin works.

IMP: you need to do it each time before opening adium.
I have sent an email to the devolper explaining the problem / partial solution.

I suggest you in the meantime to make an automator workflow, with the erasing operation and the opening of the application, so you simply doubleclick the automator app instead of the adium icon.

# by Meuh on 01/07/08 at 17:35:25

Changing my username does seem to have fixed it, though only after a few tries. Thanks.

# by charlie on 01/08/08 at 05:50:22

With the 8th jan version no more problems!!! great!

# by bedlam on 01/08/08 at 14:33:58

Agreed. Yesterday's version would hang on connection, today it's trouble-free.

# by greekgroover on 01/09/08 at 11:16:18

Yep works again tnx :-)

# by makojad on 01/09/08 at 21:39:07

My problem is that the new version of the plug-in is not workin when used with the older 1.1.4 Adium that I am still using. I don't like all the said-to-be improvements in Adium 1.2 so I haven't up-dated. Currently I am using the older version of Skype plug-in (working), but it still crashes. Why can't I use the new one with the old Adium?

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/09/08 at 22:24:18

Because the dependencies moved within the I did have a try making the plugin work for both 1.1 and 1.2 unsuccessfully, but I'll have another look to see if it can be done now that I've changed things around a little.

# by madn on 01/13/08 at 14:40:50

My Adium keeps crashing if I did not start Skype prior to connecting. It also has problems hanging it up when I quit Skype. Versions: Adium 1.2 and Skype

I very much look forward to use this plugin on a daily basis, but as long as it keeps my programs crashing it is unusable.

Keep up the good work, maybe this issue could fixed in the next version.

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/16/08 at 18:50:57

Will work on it :) I havn't run across this problem before as I keep Skype running constantly. Looks like it crashes on the Pidgin plugin side of things too, so I'll definatly try and remove the crash

# by charlie on 01/15/08 at 12:32:41

Is it possible to have (as before the last plugin revision) a "skype" group for the skype contacts? Creating a group on adium and adding skype contacts does not work, nor creating a group on skype (2.7) beta and seeing of adium skype plugins inports it.

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/16/08 at 18:49:53

The mechanics for the Skype group in Adium havn't changed in code; ungrouped skype contacts end up in the Skype group

# by makojad on 01/22/08 at 18:56:01

Sadly still not working with Adium 1.1.4. Are you planning to have a look at back-compatibilty, or you gave up?

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/22/08 at 23:21:55

The problem is with the Libpurple.framework in 1.1.4
You're best to upgrade to Adium 1.2, however I have found a workaround for 1.1.4 which is to edit and change "CFBundleExecutable" to "Libpurple" (without the quotes), then rename the plugin to SkypePlugin.AdiumLibpurplePlugin. If that doesn't work, email me directly through the link above and I'll give you a few other things to try.

# by genba on 01/29/08 at 02:51:47

I've come into a problem with Adium probably caused by this plug-in.

The ticket is at

# by makojad on 01/31/08 at 15:01:14

I did the workout you had described. It did not work though. I did not do the backup (silly me) and although I reversed the workout, Adium did not see any of my accounts. So what I did was I upgraded to 1.2 - all the data were back. I don't like some of the changes in 1.2 They're slowing me down. But will need to get used to. The newest Skype plug-in works dead on now. Good job! Thanks for help, anyway. Keep the good work! Regards.

# by yanokwa on 02/04/08 at 23:46:53

I love the idea of this plugin and the implementation is really nice. I've run into a few bugs, but the developer has been very responsive. I hope all those who promised to pay the bounty are sending the money to Eion.

# by yanokwa on 02/04/08 at 23:47:17

# by andrewjkm on 02/10/08 at 05:59:35

genba posted a reference to a problem which I am also experiencing. s/he referred to a Trac Adium ticket number, but I thought it might be helpful to pull the information into this list of comments.

The Sype API Plugin is producing odd behaviour with file tranfers - both transfers in and out.

Each time we get two file transfers, the second of which seems to function normally - though Adium actually reports that the transfer was cancelled by the receiver even though they didn't.

However, the first transfer item in the window just sits there saying that it's waiting to start.

If you try to quite Adium - which is the only way to get rid of it as the x stop icon doesn't functiion - Adium will report that a file transfer is in progress and ask for confirmation of the quit.

This is a shame as we can't actually tell which transfers are actually going through and if the one that just sits there will do so indefinitely and whether it is actually taking up bandwidth trying to transfer.

I have resorted to transfer by email again, as this plugin is too useful to want to disable it. If the transfer issue could be solved, the plugin would be perfect!

May consider a bounty payment...

# by BigBrownChunx on 02/10/08 at 08:19:32

/me chases carrot

Ticket 9044 says that "That has been fixed for the next release [of Adium]"
The plugin does make some changes to the file transfers in Adium, but I'll play around with MSN and see how its affected and whether there's a workaround for the problem until the next version of Adium comes out.

# by psantora on 02/28/08 at 05:59:38

I'm using the latest Adium Client (1.2.3 r22688), Adium Skype Plugin (12 Feb 2008), and Skype Client ( on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S165 PPC) and after connecting and authenticating through Adium, Skype crashes. Can anyone else confirm this issue?

# by makojad on 02/28/08 at 16:55:00

Hi, your Skype add-on rocks now! It's really good. Though I have one practical thing that bugs me a lot - when I have a call from Skype, Skype's own po-pup appears, then it quickly desappears, and Adium's pop-up appears. This is very very frustrating because it's confusing. And Skype's own pop-up has more options (you can send call to voicemail), so why doubling the pop-up menu? Why not leave Skype's own or create a setting for us to choose? When I have lots of phone calls it may be really annoying. Please leave Skype's pop-up or at least set it as an option. Besides that bug, it rocks!

# by andrewjkm on 03/10/08 at 23:04:02

Oh dear - it seems that Adium 1.2.4b1 doesn't recognise the Skype plugin (Mac OS 10.4.11). The plugin is in the Downloads folder where it always was, but It works perfectly with Adium 1.2.3 (apart from the double file tranfer issue).

So, back to Adium 1.2.3 again I guess.

Any thoughts?

# by jolleyjoe on 03/11/08 at 14:14:20

When I log in, adium notifies me of every one of my SkypeOut contacts have come online... this is very annoying and fills the whole screen. Is there a way that this can be fixed?

Thanks Developer.

# by psantora on 03/12/08 at 01:49:55

this is a minor bug, but the icon spacing is off in the menus. In the above image you can see it as "Skype API" isn't left aligned from the same spot as other protocol names. This bug is also present in the "Status" and "File" menus.

# by psantora on 06/26/08 at 02:05:12

Just to follow up, I've posted some images to highlight this issue.
Either the Skype icon is a tad too thin compared with the other icons or it is not being "centered" properly. I would assume it is the former as after looking at the other icons, it seems the Skype icon can be 4 pixels larger in both height and width.

# by andrewjkm on 04/06/08 at 18:12:09

Skype plugin now working again with Adium 1.2.4 - but now I get the Skype window popping up every time i send a message to a Skype contact via Adium.

# by LeRued on 04/16/08 at 15:29:18

Hi I'm using Adium 1.2.4 and the Skype-API. Although I enabled access for assistive devices I get asked everytime if I want to allow access or not. What can I do?

# by DevilsAdv0cate on 04/17/08 at 02:53:26

Hi! I have a problem when I launch Adium (1.2.5b1): the program freezes after launching Skype. I don't experience the problem if I launch Skype manually before launching Adium. I'm I the only one experiencing the issue?

Btw thanks for the wonderful plug-in!!

# by DevilsAdv0cate on 04/17/08 at 03:02:57

Hi! I have a problem when I launch Adium (1.2.5b1): the program freezes after launching Skype. I don't experience the problem if I launch Skype manually before launching Adium. I'm I the only one experiencing the issue?

Btw thanks for the wonderful plug-in!!

# by silverbeat on 04/18/08 at 17:29:57

You're not the only one, I have the same problems using Adium 1.2.4: Adium freezes when launching with autologin on Skype.

And it's a very nice plug-in, you're right. I'm using it since early beta status.

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/19/08 at 02:07:13

Yeah, unfortunatly there's a bug in the plugin for 1.2.4 and 1.2.5, the workaround for it at the moment is to start Skype before starting Adium.
My Mac has been in repairs so I havn't had a chance to fix it yet, but I'm working on it. :)

# by silverbeat on 04/21/08 at 19:10:54

Update (04/20/08) works great, thanks. Now it would be perfect if Skype didn't ask me at every launch if Adium is allowed to use the Skype API ;)

# by gaur1 on 04/22/08 at 15:26:50

I think that I got around this by launching Skype first and then launching Adium. I was prompted by Skype to give Adium authorization and then I selected to 'always allow', or something like that. Hope that helps ;)

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/25/08 at 06:55:59

Should be fixed in latest version

# by Rakadar on 04/24/08 at 17:11:52

Dockless is a nice programm to make a Dock icon disappear while the app is runnig-this way you still need skype to be runnig, but it'll look like it wasn't.

Is there some way to group skype contacts like icq/msn/etc. contacts? As you can't add skype contacts to apple's adressbook...

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/25/08 at 06:59:07

Dockless just changes the value of the LSUIElement key in the info.plist file. I'll give it a go putting it into the next version of the plugin too.

Contacts, by default, are put into the Skype group. Not sure what else you mean by "group contacts like icq/msn/etc." otherwise.

# by Rakadar on 04/25/08 at 14:29:16

Well if you have an MSN and icq contact from the same person, adium can "group" them into a single item in the contact list. Adium manages this dependencies via adress book, which doesn't support skype, so my question is if anyone knows a way to merge, say an icq and a skype contact into a singel contact list item.

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/25/08 at 22:17:20

You can group any kind of contact in Adium by dragging the contact while holding down the command key and dropping it on top of another contact, Skype contacts included. Adium doesn't manage this using address book, it is part of the underlying libpurple buddylist.

# by jolleyjoe on 04/29/08 at 13:43:12

When I log in, adium notifies me of every one of my SkypeOut contacts have come online... this is very annoying and fills the whole screen. Is there a way that this can be fixed?

Anyone read these? Or better yet, have an idea about it? hehe. :)

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/29/08 at 19:42:23

Yep, I read these! :)

The option for not showing SkypeOut contacts as online is unfortunatly not visible in Adium, you'll have to change it by manually editing the accounts.xml file in your ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/ directory, and change the line

# by silverbeat on 05/18/08 at 18:37:25

With every update the Skype plugin becomes more stable and gets new convenient features. Nevertheless, since about two weeks when I start Adium with activated Skype-autologin, Adium launches two instances of Skype. Sometimes it launches one but creates a new dock icon for it instead of using my one. Has anyone else the same bug? (Adium X 1.2.5 and latest Skype plugin - 30 Apr)

# by BigBrownChunx on 05/18/08 at 18:56:23

Yes, other people have reported this bug, but I have been unable to track it down. If you can run Adium from Terminal and email through the debug log then I might be able to give it another shot.

# by invalidusrname on 05/19/08 at 17:17:20

I'd like to say that I really enjoy using this Xtra. It's really nice having all my contacts in one app, instead of multiple chat clients. Thanks for throwing this together :-).

I've noticed a problem with contact statuses. When a Skype user disconnects, it shows their status as "Offline with Voicemail". When they come back online, their status still says the same message. Is there a way to update a contacts status when they come back online?

Also, I had a couple of previous Skype chats that seem to display very weird topics. These chats were started in the Skype program itself, and later carried on in adium. They seem to show a topic that looks like $skype_username/$abc123. I haven't tested starting a topic in adium, but it definitely happens on existing chats.

I've attached a picture showcasing both problems.

# by BigBrownChunx on 05/20/08 at 14:40:55

Glad you're liking the plugin :)

I'm not entirely sure what's going on with the "Offline with Voicemail" status still being shown for online contacts. I'll have to try play around with this myself to try and replicate the bug, but in the code, if the buddy's status changes their status text is supposed to be refreshed. Odd.

The chat topics aren't actually the topics but the names of the chats. Since Skype chats are known by the funny #username/$number names, that's what is displayed in the adium chat window by default. In the latest version, the title is set on the chat window to be the same as what's in Skype, but Adium doesn't always show this change. I'm told that if you change to a different chat window and back again, that the chat title updates to something more human readable.

I'll look into both problems for ya :) Cheers.

# by Bureau-C on 06/01/08 at 14:21:59

I still have the problem with Skype crashing and reopening repeatedly. Also, I tried making a group called "Skype" in my Adium contact list, but it never sticks between program restarts of Adium itself.

I'm using Mac G5/PPC dual 2.5 Ghz, 1.5 GB RAM, OS X 10.4.11. Adium v1.2.5. Skype v2.7.0.330 (7385).

# by Raphyy on 06/12/08 at 20:14:42

It works great! All you need now is for when you type a certain string to the person it calls them using the Skype API...omg that would be awesome. good job anyways.

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/20/08 at 23:02:47

I'm not 100% sure, but you should be able to call people using /call from an instant message

# by makojad on 06/13/08 at 15:35:13

Hi again, I've got one question: why does Skype open automatically whenever I open Adium but not choose to connect to Skype using the plug-in? I think you really need to choose the "you have an option" way, instead of actualy forcing things. I don't like that Skype opens up when I don't want it too. I think that Skype should be opened only when you connect to Skype using plug-in, not immediately after you open Adium.

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/20/08 at 23:11:41

There is an option to not have Skype start automatically but unfortunatly there is no UI for changing it. To change it manually, you need to edit ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/accounts.xml and add in a setting
"setting name='skype_autostart' type='bool' 0 /setting
in a similar format to the other settings (unfortunatly adiumxtras takes away any xml so i can't format this properly for you)

You say that Skype should only be opened when you connect to Skype.... this is the only time that the plugin can open Skype, its just that Adium is trying to connect to Skype as soon as it starts.

# by makojad on 06/22/08 at 11:01:14

Thanks for the tip, it worked flawlessly. And thanks for the explanation that it was not plug-in's fault, but Adium's. Sorry I blamed your fantastic plug-in.

Anyway, there is one thing in the plug-in behaviour that I don't understand and I reckon it unnecessarily gets in one's way. Whenether receive get a call via Skype, the plug-in shows the 'answer the call' window. But Skype shows the 'answer or reject' bezel in the first place. The result is I have a call and I get 2 windows that let me answer it. Because Skype bezel is really nice and faster I use it to answer the call. But here I get next unpleasant surprise: in addition to unnecessary multiple choice, there is a bug - even if I take the call the plug-in window stays on, still asking me if I want to answer. I must admit this is very annoying, especially when I get many calls.
I think you should really get rid of that "answer the call" window. Not only does it keep confusing and gets in your way esp. when there are many calls, but it also one can really get cross when each time has to close the plug-in window because of the bug.

I think you should really concider getting rid of this absolutely unnecessary and annoying 'answer' window.

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/22/08 at 19:14:01

I only found this out myself a few days ago. Since Skype is supposed to be hidden, there's not supposed to be any way to answer the call, which is why the answer window in Adium appears. On other platforms Skype's answer window does not appear so it needs a replacement. I'll remove it from the Adium version for now, or perhaps make the answer window disappear if you answer with Skype.

# by makojad on 06/22/08 at 19:47:45

Thank you for prompt reaction. If I may advise you I would rather see the plug-in window not appearing at all, because you still get the Skype bezel (which appears faster, looks a bit nicer and gives more options). The Skype bezel is shown even if Skype icons are hidden from the Dock and the MenuBar - seems reasonable enough to me, if looking at it from Skype functionality perspective.
Thanks in advance, looking forward to having it fixed. :-)

# by Per on 06/15/08 at 08:57:30

It mostly works great, but ever since Leopard, Adium crashes about half the time on startup when the Skype plugin is installed:

Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libpurple 0x07e0dfcf purple_blist_add_group + 130
1 libpurple 0x07f1a3b8 purple_ssi_parselist + 2383
2 libpurple 0x07f06626 parsedata + 574
3 libpurple 0x07f07ef2 snachandler + 132
4 libpurple 0x07f0967c parse_snac + 242
5 libpurple 0x07f098f3 parse_flap + 153
6 libpurple 0x07f09c04 flap_connection_recv_cb + 742
7 0x92c12920 __CFSocketDoCallback + 640
8 0x92c13f55 __CFSocketPerformV0 + 133
9 0x92c0960e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 3166
10 0x92c09cf8 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
11 0x91822da4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 283
12 0x9190d411 RunCurrentEventLoop + 65
13 org.bigbrownchunx.skypeplugin 0x011ddf8a IsSkypeAvailable + 90
14 org.bigbrownchunx.skypeplugin 0x011de0ac ConnectToSkype + 42
15 org.bigbrownchunx.skypeplugin 0x011e0d19 skype_login + 214

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/20/08 at 23:12:40

Try again with the new version. Unfortunatly, this is caused by a bug in libpurple.

# by Per on 06/21/08 at 16:44:39

Thanks, that seems to have done the trick. No crashes since installing the June 17 version and the annoying thing about two Skype sessions opening when you start Adium seems to have disappeared.
Great job, I really like your plugin.

# by gdven on 06/30/08 at 09:26:43

Since june 29 with the update of Adium #1.3.5b it looks skype plug in its not working any more and crashing when started with
Adium. Any solution?. Thanks and a terrific plug in by the way

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/30/08 at 09:35:19

Didn't know about that. Will have to try with latest version of Adium. If you can email me debug output from running it from the Terminal, that would be fantastic :)

# by jo.witte on 06/30/08 at 14:06:23

This is what I get:

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

** (process:39077): CRITICAL **: purple_eventloop_get_ui_ops: assertion `eventloop_ui_ops != NULL' failed

GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once.

# by psantora on 06/30/08 at 22:20:37

I am also getting this error. Also, I've uploaded new skype icons that are the correct sizes (16x16 and another 72x72) so the file menu has the correct spacing for Skype accounts. BigBrownChunx, can you add these to the plugin?
skype-small.png (16x16):
skype.png (72x72):

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/30/08 at 22:36:35

Those look like the official icons from Skype and are protected under a non-Free licence (and also require you to download a 3 MiB zip file, overkill for a 50kiB plugin)

I'll see what I can do to use the skype-small.png icon in the account list rather than a scaled skype.png icon

# by psantora on 06/30/08 at 23:31:03

Actually, I scaled the Skype icon using Graphic Converter. I just looked at the ones included in your plugin and it seems that you already have a 16x16 icon... how come it doesn't line up correctly in the list then?

# by BigBrownChunx on 07/01/08 at 00:46:18

The Skype icon is intellectual property of Skype, the icons in the plugin are created and licenced under the creative commons licence.

I think that the icons dont line up (for some reason) because instead of using skype-small, Adium is using skype.png for the display, which has an offset on the right to allow for shadow.

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/30/08 at 22:33:41

The problem is actually a bug in Adium ( ) which I have reported and should make it into the next beta. :)

# by DerSchauspieler on 07/01/08 at 09:18:10

Somehow not all of my Skypecontacts are now in my adium list. Could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong or is the plugin not working?

# by Ozzy on 07/22/08 at 05:05:08

I have the same problem. It's only one contact, but I have to add him every time I start Adium...

# by timas on 07/27/08 at 10:02:00

The same problem

# by horstE on 07/29/08 at 12:17:32

Same problem. Only one contact missing. Unfortunately the most important for me. If I add the contact it appers but after a restart it is missing again.

# by horstE on 07/31/08 at 08:51:22

The latest version fixes the bug. No everything is fine ;-)

# by Ozzy on 08/01/08 at 05:03:17

No. I've the latest version, and the problem is still there...

# by Ozzy on 08/01/08 at 05:23:16

Sorry, problem is fixed! Thanx!

# by nbriders on 07/25/08 at 06:58:39

hello - somehow skype does not autolaunch - i have tried adding the setting setting name='skype_autostart' type='bool' 1 /setting to my accounts.xml but that didnt fix it. any clues? thanks

# by Kai85 on 08/05/08 at 23:06:05

Have a problem with creating a "Skype API" Account out of Adium after installing the plug-in.
First, started Skype. Secondly, Adium.
The step where you type in your user data didn't even appear.

Anyone has got an idea?
Thaks in advice!

Mac OS X 10.5.4
Adium 1.3b10

# by Kai85 on 08/06/08 at 03:21:05

error message:

06:19:48: Failed to load defaults for PurpleDefaultsSkype
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:71:read_cb() begin
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:75:read_cb() conn=0x114a000,name=notification server
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:495:read_impl() name=notification server
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:509:read_impl() stream=0x1b384c90
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:519:read_impl() bytes_read=8
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_cmd_server.c:95:parse_impl() begin
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_cmd_server.c:97:parse_impl() conn=0x114a000,name=notification server
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) cmdproc.c:99:show_debug_cmd() S: 000: QNG 40
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) cmdproc.c:275:msn_cmdproc_process_cmd() begin
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) cmdproc.c:340:msn_cmdproc_process_cmd() end
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_cmd_server.c:160:parse_impl() end
06:19:48: (Libpurple: msn) pecan_node.c:107:read_cb() end
06:19:48: (Libpurple: oscar) Requesting ICQ alias for 294476587
06:19:48: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: '#2 GET CURRENTUSERHANDLE'
06:19:48: (Libpurple: skype) Received: #2 ERROR
06:19:48: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: '#3 GET CURRENTUSERHANDLE'
06:19:48: (Libpurple: skype) Received: #3 ERROR

# by Kai85 on 08/06/08 at 03:41:33

I try a down-grade to Adium 1.3b9.....

# by Kai85 on 08/06/08 at 03:45:45

same thing with 1.3b9...

# by Kai85 on 08/06/08 at 04:16:59

testing Adium 1.3b8 -> does NOT work!
testing Adium 1.3b7 -> does WORK!!! -> account-adding-window appears!

07:01:20: Failed to load defaults for PurpleDefaultsSkype
07:01:20: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: '#0 GET CURRENTUSERHANDLE'
07:01:20: (Libpurple: skype) Received: #0 ERROR
07:01:20: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: '#1 GET CURRENTUSERHANDLE'
07:01:20: (Libpurple: skype) Received: #1 ERROR
07:01:21: (Libpurple: oscar) icq response: 49 bytes, 481565508, 0x07da, 0x002a
07:01:22: (Libpurple: oscar) icq response: 39 bytes, 481565508, 0x07da, 0x002b
07:01:24: (Libpurple: oscar) icq response: 48 bytes, 481565508, 0x07da, 0x002c

2nd step: I'll try to update the Adium 1.3b7 to Adium 1.3b10 AGAIN !!!

.... -> STILL DOES WORK!!! *being-happy* xD

now the facebook-account can log-in again which isn't possible in the b7-version.

Crazy behaviour but problem solved! :-)

# by Kai85 on 08/06/08 at 04:40:21

Edit: Cannot process my "Skype"-Account under "Properties" - "Accounts" - same bug as in the beginning although Skype-Account is now activated and works.

# by dimituri on 08/25/08 at 18:06:28

After upgrading to the latest version from your website (today) the groups ended up not working.
When I rearrange Skype contacts in Adium to groups other than the “Skype” group they stay there until I relaunch the application. New groups are created in Skype and contacts are rearranged there, but they don't stay arranged in Adium. When Adium is relauched contacts are back in the default “Skype” group. So, basically, syncing back to Adium from Skype doesn't work on launch.
Already tried removing and adding back the account in Adium.
Skype is, Adium is 1.2.7.
How can I resolve this, hmm?

# by timas on 08/26/08 at 04:59:42

This version does not work in new Adium v1.3... :(

# by catalin.hritcu on 08/26/08 at 12:13:33

Great plugin. Now also stable on MacOSX (had no more crashes for a long time now). It would be great if this plugin would work with Adium v1.3.

# by jo.witte on 08/26/08 at 14:25:38

Yep. This is my decent vote for SkypePlugin in Version 1.3!

# by willterminus on 08/26/08 at 17:54:23

I loved this plugin hope to see it working with Version 1.3

# by vlbrown on 08/26/08 at 18:20:56

Aargh. It doesn't work with Adium 1.3! Aaaarrrgh.

# by syn on 08/27/08 at 13:24:29

don't work :(

# by ani on 08/27/08 at 15:03:05

the same thing :(( skype icon appears in accounts list, but don't work.

# by itlinux on 08/27/08 at 15:15:08

I edit the file still no luck. Just my 2 cents.

# by gummy on 08/27/08 at 15:29:21

I've tryed to modify the file info.plist.file but without results.
I think that we've to whait a new Official Skype Plugin, or come back to previouse version :-(

# by CrazyCurle on 08/27/08 at 17:25:55

How can I open the skype plugin to edit it? at the moment I get two comments, when I try to open the plugin:

- the first one said, that the plugin is installed at the right position

- the second one said, the the plugin can't be open

What can I do?


# by stown on 08/27/08 at 18:12:36

ty, erterte - works for me!

to edit info.plist: contextmenu -> show package contents
after editing, move your edited skypeplugin to another place (e.g. desktop). recheck that there is no skypeplugin in plugin folder(s). doulbe click it to install the edited moved file. then restart adium.
hope it works.


# by gummy on 08/27/08 at 18:36:38


AIMinimumAdiumVersionRequirement = 1.3
CFBundleVersion = 1.3

Here is the info.plist file modified. Is it correct now ?

After double click for the installation Skype Plugin, the problem with Skype is still present.

If there is anyone that have resolved this problem, please post the correct info.plist text.


# by stown on 08/27/08 at 18:57:47

open it with list property editor, there u can't do anything wrong i guess

or open it with editor, and modify/add to get to following result:



# by stown on 08/27/08 at 19:07:18

ok html tags are omitted here. so just do it like the rest in info.plist
the titles should go into "string"-tags and 1.3 into the "key"-tags

CFBundleVersion already exists in original file.

# by stown on 08/27/08 at 19:15:37

sry, got it the wrong way :D
title -> key
1.3 -> string

stupid me, should get more sleep ;)

# by gummy on 08/27/08 at 19:41:03


Sorry but I can't understand because I'm not expert to do this, and I would ask u to help me.

Can you post the two correct strings that I've to insert into the file ?


# by CrazyCurle on 08/27/08 at 19:56:23


This is my info.plist at the moment - what should I change?
Thanks for your help to open the file!

# by CrazyCurle on 08/27/08 at 20:03:35

there stand something before and after the text - I don't know why this isn't posted here.

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

this ist before the text

# by stown on 08/27/08 at 20:13:56

do it with the property list editor:

1 info.plist -> contextmenu -> open with -> property list editor
2 change value from bundle version from 1.0 to 1.3 (double click on 1.0 to start edit)
3 click on add item - Paste AIMinimumAdiumVersionRequirement left and type 1.3 right
4 save file and exit editor

# by itlinux on 08/27/08 at 21:13:15

That worked.

# by horstE on 08/28/08 at 06:19:14

for me too.

# by fausto on 08/28/08 at 12:07:14

Hi there, it worked for me too but just for a few minutes, then the Skype account is gone, now do not let me add the skype account in adium, any help is welcome

# by fausto on 08/28/08 at 12:09:43

This is how I got:



# by itlinux on 08/28/08 at 14:29:18

you can use mine just replace the one you have it works.


# by fausto on 08/29/08 at 09:09:38

Hi itlinux, I just used yours, but nothing happens, in add accounts appears the SKYPE API, then click to add and nothing happens, just do not let create the account, maybe other thing to do???

# by gummy on 08/28/08 at 17:55:23

Doesn't work !!!
I've modified info.plist file but now is impossible to create my account Skype into the program Adium (like "fausto")
The problem isn't resolve.
Edit the file info.plist file isn't enought.

# by fausto on 08/29/08 at 09:12:05

Any new plugin correction??? I will appreciate, anyway I will be trying the whole day how to fixed.
Thanks to all.

# by doobya on 08/29/08 at 15:22:50

Hello, is there a workaround to use this plugin with the new Adium 1.3? Unfortunately the plugin won't load and is disabled. Of course I hope the author will publish an update soon, but meanwhile maybe there is a way to make the two work.

Or is there a fundamental technical difference in Adium 1.3 which needs a plugin rewrite?

Any news - please post here!

# by fausto on 08/29/08 at 15:46:26

I was trying but nothing yet, lets wait till someone can help us with any news!!!

# by fausto on 08/29/08 at 17:12:17

Problem solved, I just click on file, then connect to a guest account and choose Skype API and it is working again perfect, thank you very much for the plugin.

# by fausto on 08/30/08 at 00:23:33

Good news, it is working thanks to the help of "gummy", we are run perfect with this

# by gummy on 08/30/08 at 10:27:50

Yes, I confirm that is all right !!!

But to do this I've installed a previous version of Adium, then applied the plugin not modified, then upgrade Adium to 1.3 version and in the last step applied the plugin modified.

In this way Adium works correctly very good !!!

Thanks to all Adium member Forum.

# by fausto on 08/30/08 at 17:02:29

The same way I did it and it is working now, let see with the new Adium Update!!!!
Thanks to Eion for the nice and usefull plugin.

# by dimituri on 08/31/08 at 08:50:22

There should seriouly be a new post notification over the email.

# by pcperini on 09/01/08 at 13:23:51

Absolutely not working in 1.3 or 1.4 (1.4, svn).

# by fausto on 09/01/08 at 18:47:30

The Adium 1.3 with the plugin changed:


It is working very wall so far, try it and let us know, also I'm tryin in the beta version 1.3b1


# by two123 on 09/02/08 at 19:13:45

Skype Plugin for Adium 1.3.x DOWNLOAD:

# by NBH11 on 09/07/08 at 07:32:05

This does not work with Adium X 1.3, sorry....

# by chris24 on 09/05/08 at 09:56:15

I downloaded the torrent.....

But when i try to add the skype account in adium (after successfully installing the plugin ), the print dialog pops up! Whats that?

# by lukenn on 09/06/08 at 12:22:37

yeah mine did that too. Go to File > Add guest account. Seems to work for me, although i havnt tried talking to anyone yet.

# by two123 on 09/08/08 at 09:50:48

Works for me with 1.3.1. (Actually I'm using 1.3.1b1)

# by pcperini on 09/13/08 at 14:02:00

Is there some way to get this working without using a guest account?
It's really annoying to have to re-add every time you start Adium.

# by silverbeat on 09/14/08 at 13:02:21

There is a way, but it will take you a few minutes:
You can install Adium 1.2 ( and then install the Skype xtra to create your accounts. Then update Adium, download and modify the Skype plugin and you can use it without using guest accounts.

# by thedza on 09/15/08 at 14:12:45


Hi there. Sorry to be so ignorant, but what is a property list manager.
I can only open the info.plist file with text editor.

PS excellent plugin by the way...I'm very much missing it now that it doesn't work.

# by thedza on 09/15/08 at 14:29:30


Worked it out.

just add this line:

underneath this line:

then install the plugin.

# by thedza on 09/15/08 at 14:33:03


For some reason safari isn't displaying the nonsense in the brackets.......

when you open info.plist in text editor you'll see that each line either has 'brackets key' or 'brackets string' before and after them.
Follow the pattern and add these to the text above.

# by verloren on 09/17/08 at 09:21:27

Just tried this - deleted the plugin from ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Plugins (Disabled)/ then made the info.plist change, and now works again.

# by webmotiva on 09/17/08 at 12:01:11

Any chance to get a 1.3.1 compatible version soon? Thanks!

# by emporio on 09/23/08 at 11:49:41

atm somehow NONE of the above tips are helping me
shouldn't the developers have come up with a working plugin by now???
i mean, wtf, it's been a month with a new adium x version and there's still no working skype plugin for that


# by BigBrownChunx on 09/23/08 at 20:02:42

There's only one developer and he is very busy looking after his very sick gf.

I am working on a new version of the plugin that is compatible with Adium 1.3, but I honestly haven't had much time.

Please remember that I do this in my spare time and, like a lot of people who work on Adium and Adium plugins, I don't get paid for my work.

# by yanokwa on 09/23/08 at 22:21:00

eion: take your time. the project is open source, if people want the plugin fixed, they can recompile it themselves.

# by timas on 09/26/08 at 05:28:35

Doesn't work links... :(

# by emporio on 09/26/08 at 17:10:51


finally a version that works with adium 1.3.1


# by Per on 09/26/08 at 19:56:03

eion: thanks a heap! Please accept my donation of a few kiwi $$ as a token of gratitude.
hope all goes well with the family.


# by Vanilla-Gorilla on 10/01/08 at 05:26:31

Hi! Thank you very much for the Skype Plugin! But in this version there semms to be one little bug. Normally you see the groups Skype and Skype Out and you could move the contacts into other groups. This time, if the contact uses no other protocol, after a restart of Adium the two groups are always back with the contacts in it. The only way to move my skype contacts is to merge them with exisiting other protocols. Hope you can fix this in a following version. But please keep up the good work!


# by bittin on 10/04/08 at 22:05:51

Nice Plugin :)

# by spartin92 on 10/06/08 at 19:59:20

Great plugin :)
But is there any chance that you will add a way so that Skype quits with Adium, or even a "Quit Skype" option? It would help to make it feel more Adium oriented and the user could also hide Skype from their dock if this was done.

# by heldausberlin on 10/06/08 at 23:03:28

Theres a bug in privacy settings for Adium:
Skype account is always set to "allow anyone". Changing the level doesn't work. After restart Adium, the privacy level is again "allow anyone".

# by basstoelpel on 10/11/08 at 21:55:55

Hi Eion! Thanks a million for this plugin. I've installed it yesterday and I've fallen in love immediately. Having all my contacts and chats in one application really helps on my messy desktop. While I don't have heldausberlin's problem I've encountered the same the problem as Vanilla-Gorilla. And, yeah, spartin92's suggestion is great: Having Skype quit automatically when one quits Adium would be awesome. But don't get me wrong here: I'm a happy user already!
Cheers, max

# by ecvis17 on 10/12/08 at 18:24:55

Thanks for the skype plugin ... I have been using it for some time now and it worked perfectly for me ... +H on skype and thats it ... but I have updated Adium to1.3.2 version and it has dissabled the plugin :( ... any ideas as to what I could do?
Thanks a lot once agiain.

# by webmotiva on 11/16/08 at 22:01:33

It does not make sense if you need to run Skype too.

# by penja_gaiden on 11/17/08 at 01:36:04

is it possible to change the skypeout contacts status to "mobile" instead of "available"? I tried messing with accounts.xml but am lost in how to do this.

# by silverbeat on 11/20/08 at 20:25:29

Still a great plug-in, but I found a bug in multi-user chats:

I can create new chats and invite users. But if friends (using original skype) do so and invite me, I recieve their messages but don't see them in a multi-user chat.

Example: I'm chatting in a private chat with friend 1 and in another private chat with friend 2. Those chats are in separate Adium tabs. Then friend 1 creates a multi-user chat and invites me and friend 2. Now all of us are in this multi-user chat, but I don't see that in Adium. I can only send separate messages to friend 1 and friend 2 in the private chats. If friend 1 posts a message in the multi-user chat, I recieve that message in our private chat window. So I can't see if a message from one of them is adressed to me only or to both of us.

@Eion: do you think, you can fix that? That would be great, because multi-user chats are very useful. Once you have invited a group of people into a chatroom, you can recall them anytime.

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/20/08 at 20:44:48

This should be fixed in the latest version, I just haven't updated the site. Try from

# by silverbeat on 11/20/08 at 20:58:58

Thanks for your answer, I'm going to test it tomorrow.

# by nightmars on 11/21/08 at 16:47:20

what about Version 1.3.2 ??? Is there a support for that???

# by horstE on 11/24/08 at 07:14:44

Works fine with 1.3.2.

# by goofix on 12/17/08 at 15:03:02

nice plugin! i have a question.
whats about the groupchats? can i add them to my contactlist or how to handle them?
i had 4 chats in skype and now no one is shown..

# by Vanilla-Gorilla on 01/05/09 at 12:07:53

Hey, nice to see there is a new update! But I still have the same problem. If I try to move the Contacts from the Skype Group into my Friends group, after a restart the Skype Group is back on my contact list. It still only works to merge contacts. Hope you can fix this behaviour in the future version. Keep up the good work!

# by silverbeat on 01/06/09 at 09:57:37

The plugin is still a good work! But the Skype group is really inconvenient. It is annoying that the group settings for Skype contacts are gone after restarting Adium.
Greets, silverbeat

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/10/09 at 23:47:14

Yeah, I'm trying to fix the groups. I have no idea why it doesn't work, but from what I can tell so far, it looks like Adium deletes/forgets the Skype buddies? Very strange.

# by redaemn on 01/07/09 at 11:38:25

Hi! I like VERY MUCH this plugin but I have a problem: I'm using the 25 Sep version of the plugin and when in Adium I change my status or my mood theese changes are automatically made also inside the Skype windows. With the next two versions of the plugin this doesn't work anymore.
I think these feature is AMAZING... is there a reason why it doesn't work anymore? Or is it just a bug?
Thanks for your help and again THANKS for this GREAT plugin!!! :D

# by silverbeat on 01/07/09 at 14:37:32

I use the current version (4Jan) and the same bug occurs here: if I change the status in Adium, the plugin doesn't change Skype's status or status message. What's more, I can't remember that there has ever been another status that "Online" or "Away" which could be set for the Skype plugin, although Skype offers more status options like "Not available", "Invisible" or "Occupied". Will the bug be fixed (if it's a bug), and will there come a version with more status options?

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/10/09 at 23:46:19

The plugin can handle all the Skype statuses on the libpurple side of things, I just haven't worked how to hook it into the Adium side of things yet.

# by silverbeat on 01/11/09 at 16:53:30

Well, thanks so far for your answers. It is nice to know that the plugin is still taken care of. Thanks for your good work!

# by silverbeat on 01/22/09 at 19:51:32

Thanks for the update, BigBrownChunx, but it does not work on my mac. Update is installed, Adium and Skype are both restarted. When I change the status using Adium, it does not affect the status icon at the top of the Skype window. Also, when I tell Adium to disconnect Skype, it seems to only disconnect the API connection, but my Skype accout keeps online. When Skype is offline, connecting with Adium works, but Adium connects Skype always as "Online".

I'm using german as my system's language, does that affect the behavior of the Skype plugin?

What's more, "occupied" does not appear in the dropdown list of the plugin's status window in Adium. Is that intended?

# by PhilMac on 06/03/09 at 16:32:48

It would be great if I could map my Adium status messages to appropriate Skype ones. (That is, my "I'm out" Adium status is best represented by "Away," but my "On the phone" Aduim status would be better represented by "Not Available."

Hard to work out the best method for that, I imagine! (Maybe a drop-down in the "Edit" dialogue for statuses in the Status prefs?) But it would be much appreciated.

# by LanHikari on 01/10/09 at 23:10:42

I love this plugin, but I noticed this:

I'm using a second partition to store my programs. So Adium and Skype are not on the system's partition. I know, this plugin will automatically start and hide Skype after you start Adium. But it seems like it does not do that if the programs aren't on the system partition. :)

# by BigBrownChunx on 01/10/09 at 23:45:23

Thats right, it starts Skype using the command "/Applications/"... you could make a link from there to where Skype really is on your machine instead?

# by mr.white on 01/23/09 at 12:14:17

I also really like the plugin BUT with the new 21Jan version the Status Problem is still alive.... as redaemn said, in the september version it was no problem to change the skype status from adium.

And another point... is it possible that the Plugin check the Skype Status of my buddies more frequent, because when they change their status in Skype it takes loooong time to appear in my adium window.

# by geapi on 01/28/09 at 18:32:11

it still is one of the best plug-ins for Adium and for the first time ever I have major issues:
I am on OS X 10.5.6, Adium 1.3.2 and Skype (BETA), everything was working fine until 2 days ago,
at first Adium didn't show Skype chat messages anymore and now it goes haywire, switching back and forth between
showing the Skype contacts and not showing them, any ideas?
I can send you my system logs since they have some reoccuring lines like:
"Jan 28 14:25:04 Niemalsland [0x0-0x4a64a6].com.adiumX.adiumX[21026]: ** (process:21026): CRITICAL **: purple_status_is_online: assertion `status != NULL' failed" and "Jan 28 14:19:06 Niemalsland [0x0-0x496496].com.adiumX.adiumX[20711]: Message received ERROR 106 Invalid PROP" and
"Jan 28 14:19:06 Niemalsland [0x0-0x496496].com.adiumX.adiumX[20711]: Message received ERROR 105 invalid chat name"

# by BigBrownChunx on 02/04/09 at 19:59:47

Unfortunatly, the problem is with the Skype 2.8 Beta. It's been reported in the Skype Jira bugtracking system and we'll just have to wait for them to fix things at their end. I'd recommend you go back to 2.7 for now

# by kapil on 02/06/09 at 12:08:51

I installed skype (2.7) and have been using it well. I installed Adium 3 weeks ago, starting using the AIM, MSN, Facebook, it works great. THen I added Skype plugin to test and used it for few times. Due to redundancy and duplication of chats both in skype and adium, I decided to remove Skype Plugin from Adium. So I uninstalled it by going to Xtrasmanager->Plugins-> deleted the Skype Plugin. THis resulted into deletion of skype plugin from Adium, but now it shows all my contacts on skype to be offline. I then removed the adium Account->Manage API Client and removed from their as well but it still shows me all my contacts on skype to be offline. I am using Max OS 10.5.6. I uninstalled Adium and Skype and reinstalled it and started skype, all my contacts still offline. I couldn't figure out anything, and then I reinstalled the Skypeplugin on Adium, re-ran Adium, authorized Skype to allow Adium connections and there u go, my contacts are online now. THis is temporary but I want to remove skype plugin and resolve the above problem. Please help.

# by BigBrownChunx on 02/07/09 at 00:04:18

Couple of things you can do. First, if you want to keep using the plugin, you can hide Skype with command+H, then you won't be bothered by duplicate messages. Otherwise, if you're desperate to get rid of the plugin, then it sounds like you just need to change your status in Skype to "online" as, by default, the plugin sets your status to "offline" when disconnecting.

# by igabor on 02/22/09 at 11:09:33

Nice job on this plugin, works great, thanks very much. A small inconvenience, would it be possible to get rid of the endless

Skype send message PING
Message received PONG

lines going into console.log? Not a big deal just makes hard to find messages from other apps :)

# by @glennhudson on 03/01/09 at 20:12:22

need skype running at the same time? useless.

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/01/09 at 20:27:19

Better than using the Skype UI, dontchyathink?

# by @glennhudson on 03/01/09 at 21:14:57

not for me. skype is my phone system, so its always open.

# by @glennhudson on 03/01/09 at 21:18:15

BBC: just realized that you are either the mother/admin or both for this plugin. no offense. i realize that most do not have skype pro. nice job.

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/01/09 at 21:27:56

No offense taken, the plugin isn't for everyone. I am working on a no-Skype-needed version of the plugin, but it's mainly for chat at this stage

# by PhilMac on 06/03/09 at 16:13:43

That would be fantastic and, speaking personally, it would meet my needs quite well. I have more than one contact that use no IM service but Skype.

# by @glennhudson on 03/01/09 at 21:21:42

wait a minute... does this make it possible to make the phone call through adium as well?

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/01/09 at 21:28:09

sure, right click on a buddy and choose "Call..."

# by igabor on 03/05/09 at 06:27:54

Is it possible to set the Skype status (Online, Away, Invisible) from the Adium menubar icon menu? For me it seems like no connection, Skype status doesn't change by the Adium setting.

# by silverbeat on 03/08/09 at 12:14:35

This seems to be a bug in the current version, it worked in previous ones.

# by amau96 on 03/22/09 at 15:51:40

when I receive a chat message, I receive it in double, on from adium, and one from skype.
is it possible to set up only ONE chat box?

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/22/09 at 17:40:40

The plugin should be doing this automatically, but if you hide Skype using command+H, you won't be bothered by two message windows. :)

# by amau96 on 03/22/09 at 17:52:56

hum, ok, i will have a look, just another thing, each time a reboot my computer, skype ask me if I allow adium to use skype. Can I allow it definitively?

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/22/09 at 18:58:28

From the readme:
Q: On OSX, I get bugged with the "Allow API Access" window from Skype every time Adium starts?
A: Turn on "access for assistive devices" See:

# by amau96 on 03/22/09 at 17:59:09

ok, I still have a problem, I just test to hide skype command+H, my friend send me a message, I heard the sound in skype that I receive a message, but the message don't appear in adium, to see it i have to clic on skype and open my friend conversation...

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/22/09 at 18:59:16

Can you email through a debug log through to me. My contact details are at

# by amau96 on 03/22/09 at 19:04:29

sure, where can I found it?

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/22/09 at 20:49:36

easiest place is from /Applications/Utilities/

# by amau96 on 03/22/09 at 20:57:20

I know how to use and start the console, I work in IT.
but give how to get the logs?
Do I have to start adium by the console?
in which folder are the logs?

# by iamatomicboy on 03/28/09 at 12:05:52

anyone else not like the default skype icon? i made an alternative you can download on my deviantart:

# by benja85 on 03/30/09 at 10:55:15

incoming skype messages do not appear in adium but only in skype. strangely, messages sent through adium to skype contact are delivered (and they appear both in adium and skype)...what's wrong?

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/30/09 at 17:48:33

Unfortunately I introduced a bug while trying to fix another. More details at
The short answer is to try using Skype 2.8 beta while I try and fix it up as soon as I can.

# by nizuri on 03/30/09 at 14:28:40

I have the same problem as benja85 and amau96. Both Skype and Adium are up to date. I've sent you those logs.

# by benja85 on 03/30/09 at 19:50:48

works fine with the beta. thanks for your effort in developing this plugin!

# by silverbeat on 04/06/09 at 19:41:50

updated to current version (1. Apr), but still can't change Skype's status from Adium; using Skype and Adium 1.3.3

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/06/09 at 19:51:03

This is fixed my testing version... will be in the next version :)

# by silverbeat on 04/06/09 at 19:51:58

Nice, thanks! :)

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/06/09 at 22:41:31

actually, it needs some testing by other people. can you email me and i'll send the plugin through

# by redaemn on 04/18/09 at 08:15:28

Hi! I updated to 8 Apr version with Adium 1.3.3 and Skype Now changing Skype's status and mood from Adium works!!! :D
I just noticed that when I try to set a busy state in Adium skype goes off-line and Adium crashes... this could be a bug :P
Anyway... this plugin ROCKS!!! :D Thank you BigBrownChunx!!!

# by hotzenpl0tz on 04/20/09 at 17:09:02

The plugin sometimes sends messages to the wrong people, although I haven't been able to figure out why. The messages in the adium log are then to person x and in skype log to person y. Maybe it has something to do with the number of open message sessions in the backgrounded skype.

# by levifig on 04/30/09 at 19:22:43

Same problem here!
Because of it I had to remove the plugin... I use skype mostly for work stuff and some info on the wrong window can hurt a lot of ppl...

Great idea, not so great implementation!

# by BigBrownChunx on 04/30/09 at 23:59:44

:( This is a regression from the new chat code in the latest version.
Can both of you email through a debug log of when it happens so that I can see what's going on?

# by levifig on 05/01/09 at 04:54:41

Some info on what you're looking for and how we can help would be appreciated! :)

I know what a log and debugging is, but not Adium. What logs? Do I have to activate a debug mode? System logs? Etc...


# by BigBrownChunx on 05/01/09 at 05:40:53

# by hotzenpl0tz on 05/09/09 at 12:12:32

This one is actually not that easy to repeatedly test here - because it happens only sometimes. I am still guessing though that is has to do with the number of message windows you have open in the backgrounded skype. At least the two times I had the error, I opened skype to check the logs there to see where it went - and I had 4 or 5 open message windows with old messages I had sent before. I closed them all, restarted skype and adium and it worked again. I can't really reproduce that easily, because I only have 4 or 5 skype contacts in total that I chat with - and that is pretty sporadic ;)

# by levifig on 05/09/09 at 18:54:13

Exactly the same situation here... :(

# by [Tee]derDoc[DMC] on 05/20/09 at 00:28:59

Hey great work,

After the Adium 1.4b1 Update and the new multiple contacts feature I had my contacts all over the place. A combined contact in the place where it belongs as well as in the skype group.
To get rid of that, and have only one contact in the list again, I moved the contact from the skype list to the group where it belongs, which has the plugin telling skype to move the contact into a non-existing group. This causes the contact to vanish completely from skype as well as Adium.
Is there any way to get around that, except moving all my contacts which are combined w/ skype into the 'skype' group?

Maybe an option in the plugin to turn off telling skype of contact moves, would help.

# by Aus on 07/21/09 at 16:16:04

Since the last Update from yesterday, all my contacts vanished. Just one remained.. I tested the latest Adium beta as well as the stable release - but that didn't solve it. The Skype-group ist not visible, but I can chat with my buddies once they open a message to me..

Known issue?

# by SirMcLouis on 07/21/09 at 23:44:08

For me is the same.... i think that is a problem of the plugin. I just update to the last version of Skype, use adium 1.3.5 and the last versión of the pluging (20jul)

Some solutioms???

# by JayLevitt on 07/22/09 at 18:55:10

This may be a clue: Only my first Skype contact appears in Adium, but his status line in the Contact List shows a comma and the name of the second contact". e.g.:

[My Friends]
I'm away from my computer
I love Mondays!


Adium 1.3.5, Skype

# by SirMcLouis on 07/22/09 at 19:46:04

for me is the same...

# by BigBrownChunx on 07/23/09 at 00:25:09

Aha! This is caused by an undocumented feature in the latest version of Skype.

I've fixed this problem in svn and I'll push out a new version of the plugin later today. Apologies to everyone who is getting a crash/bad buddy list.

# by SirMcLouis on 07/23/09 at 00:28:15


# by Erwinf on 07/23/09 at 13:48:12

Did you get a chance to release a new version?
Thanks mate!

# by dotcommer on 07/22/09 at 02:19:57

On a mac running the new beta version of skype (build and Adium v1.3.5 and tried out this addon. Unfortunately the buddy list doesn't update with the skype individuals, and I'm wondering if its because I'm using a beta version of skype.

# by SirMcLouis on 07/22/09 at 12:22:40

i am using it on macosx too, using the last stable version of skype, and I'got the same problem... only appear one contact of the skype list in addium... I think that the problem is the plugin update...

# by Philip0190 on 07/23/09 at 12:32:47

I have to say thank you very much for this plug-in, it makes my messaging much easier and better to hold the overview.

I started my Adium after the update and a skype error occured: it told me, that skype was not running. Before the update of the plug-in, Adium started skype at the same time automatically, that was (in my opinion) much better, because I had to click only the adium button to connect to all my messengers. Is it possible to make it working that way on my computer again?

# by ChrisCogdon on 10/25/09 at 23:23:08

Check the settings for Skype in Adium One option is "Auto-start Skype if not running"

# by thegeekinside on 07/23/09 at 18:46:02

I have the same problem like Philip0190, there are some place to download a previous version of plugin?

# by devnullpenguin on 08/11/09 at 01:42:26

I seem to be having the same problem as Philip0190 and thegeekinside:

I start Adium, and even if Skype is already running I get an error "could not connect to skype process. skype not running?" Adium is completely unresponsive while it goes through this process.

Any help (or a previous version!) would be great.

# by devnullpenguin on 08/11/09 at 13:26:16

As a side note, I'm running the most recent version of Adium (1.4b8), Skype (, and the plugin (24 July)

# by skyhopper on 10/18/09 at 13:49:48

i have got the same problem! any solution??

# by ChrisCogdon on 10/25/09 at 23:22:05

I to encountered this problem. It was working fine for me, then stopped working during the process of trying to debug another problem.

I fixed it by closing Skype, then deleting ~/Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Application Support/Skype and ~/Library/Caches/

Likely not everything needed to be deleted, though.

# by mratzloff on 10/28/09 at 18:12:05

Only ~/Library/Application Support/Skype is the issue (if I had to guess, I'd say it was shared.xml). Skype stores information about which applications are allowed to use the Skype API, and perhaps if something changes sometimes this might not be properly updated. Adium can't talk to Skype, therefore it returns the error.

# by ChrisCogdon on 10/28/09 at 19:24:13

Thanks! Next time this happened I was going to delete stuff piecemeal to identify the culprit. I'll start with that file first.

# by mratzloff on 12/14/09 at 21:49:24

This problem tends to occur when Skype and Adium are started at the same time, and the Adium plug-in tries to launch a new instance of Skype. I can confirm that the ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/shared* files are not only the issue. I had to delete the directory as well for Skype to prompt me again about authorization for Adium.

# by mratzloff on 12/14/09 at 21:50:24

That should read "I had to delete the [username] directory as well", where [username] is whatever your Skype username is.

# by Erwinf on 07/24/09 at 08:58:44

The latest plugin crashes every time. Anyone else who has this?
Yesterday afternoon it all worked, but all of a sudden, it crashed and wont start since.
Log says it has something to do with the buddylist.

# by ingmar on 07/24/09 at 12:47:29

The Version from 23Jul doesn't crash anymore, but no contact from skype shows up in adium. The preferences dialog shows that the skype account could not be connected even skype works perfekt and is connected. I think the support for the release version of skype 2.8 is not done with the lastest update. I hope this will be fixed soon. i don't like the skype user interface.

# by ivy on 08/04/09 at 11:12:15

i get messages both on adium and skype, how can i solve this? i would like to have only the adium window, not also the skype chat window.

# by ivy on 08/04/09 at 11:13:21

i use adium 1.3.5 and skype

# by BigBrownChunx on 08/05/09 at 00:03:45

Normally the plugin hide's Skype, but for some reason that doesn't always happen. If it doesn't, a simple Command+H should hide Skype for you :)

# by SirMcLouis on 08/13/09 at 20:35:44

I don't know why when I open adium skype opened for duplicate... Only some times...

# by jrolland on 08/20/09 at 21:14:21

Skype plugin for Adium 1.3.6 appears to be broken - does not authenticate with Skype

# by nate4923 on 08/21/09 at 20:43:36

I can't seem to get the skype chat window to not pop up when I start a chat in adium. Is there a setting name I can add to the xml doc to get the skype chat window to hide?

# by jrolland on 08/22/09 at 02:59:08


# by liftereyes on 09/04/09 at 00:07:14

Great Skype interface! I only have one problem though. When I log on to skype, my contacts are not grouped in the adium buddy list. Instead they all show up in the offline group, even when they are online. I can drag the skype contacts into any group I want but once I close Adium and restart it the contacts will not stay in that group and are reset to being in the offline group every time. Is this just a part of the plugin or is there a way for me to fix this?

# by edalzell on 09/04/09 at 21:39:31

Couple of issues with 1.4b9 and Skype 2.8:
1) no group was created for my Skype contacts
2) The status is wrong

How can I help you debug this?

# by imatt15 on 10/17/09 at 19:11:53

I'm having the same issue with no group being created for my skype contacts. It's not the hugest thing, but seems like something that would be a quick fix, and it is somewhat strange to see the skype ones hanging off the end of my contact list without being in any group at all. I didn't know that was possible!

# by imatt15 on 10/19/09 at 05:28:13

seems to have fixed itself after I restarted. I'm going to assume it was just a startup thing.

I'm still wondering though, on a different note, where do I set the sound I receive when I get a notification for incoming call through adium?

# by vonduramos on 09/18/09 at 00:47:19

Hi everybody, I installed Adium on a fresh install of Snow Leopard and when installed this xtra for Skype (Skype working) Adium tried and tried to connect but it couldn´t, however skype was running without problems.
I reinstalled snow leopard MAC OS X again and tried to find this xtra but it is not present in the search results.
Today I tried to download the xtra and the link is not working.
Is there any problem with this xtra and Snow Leopard?

PLease somebody help.....

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/18/09 at 01:36:35

I've updated the plugin for Snow Leopard but it is yet to be approved by the Adium admins. Once it's approved again you should be able to download it.

# by vonduramos on 09/21/09 at 16:31:20

When this is going to happen? Regards

# by Aus on 09/26/09 at 21:35:37

It works.. awesome! Finally: Thanks a lot.. on my System (SL 10.6.1, latest Adium & Skype) everything's working fine. Good job!

# by Aus on 09/26/09 at 23:42:36

One additional thing: The skype icon keeps on jumping after receiving a message - this was different in former versions. Can this be fixed?

# by two123 on 09/30/09 at 14:22:57

Skype error: "Could not connect to skype process. skype not running?"

Skype is running (of course).
Mac OS X 10.6.1 - Adium 1.4b9 / 1.3.6

Any idea?!

# by skyhopper on 10/18/09 at 13:50:39

same problem. any solution?

# by ChrisCogdon on 10/25/09 at 23:24:09

Try trashing your Skype preferences. See one of my other posts here for the files.

# by JonnyBngood on 09/30/09 at 14:59:00

Question After i started using the skype add-on i am no longer able to use the original skype, (the contacts all seem to be off line) I would like to still be able to use my skype application from time to time, is there a way to still be able to do that? I even tried to Delete Adium but after signing on to skype my contacts were still all signed off line. thanks for any help !!

# by pcperini on 10/05/09 at 16:34:32

Hey! I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.1), and the Nightly Build of Adium (for IRC access), and every time I open Adium with the Skype plugin, I recieve the following error :

I've tried rolling back to an earlier version of nightlies, and that still does not solve my problem- any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

# by Nostradani on 10/08/09 at 01:15:23

Hey people. Has anybody been able to compile the plugin from source. I want to modify the plugin, but I'm not even able to compile the current source.
Anyone with more luck than me?

# by alatorre on 10/16/09 at 19:08:06

Skype Error (on the Adium preferences)

Connecting: Authorizating (0%), after a little while it says "Error: Could not connect to the Skype Process. Skype not running?" Reconnecting in 3s... never gets connected.

Skype is running, this behavior started when I say yes to the upgrade for skype (now I've, when the problem came out, I upgraded to Adium 1.3.6 to see if the problem gets resolved, but the problem persists.

Mac OS X 10.6.1

Any hint on how to resolve this issue?


# by skyhopper on 10/18/09 at 13:51:54

hi! i have got the same error and can't find a solution! you got one?

# by alatorre on 10/20/09 at 02:52:31

Not yet, please advise if you got any

# by SEsternchen on 10/19/09 at 09:51:49

same issue here, would appreciate solution!

# by ChrisCogdon on 10/25/09 at 23:24:36

Try trashing your Skype preferences. See my other post here for the details.

# by alatorre on 10/27/09 at 20:12:05

GREAT !!! Thanks ChrisCogdon for the solution. I'm back to only Adium again...

# by SEsternchen on 10/28/09 at 11:59:58

Many thanks, works again! :)

# by mastalampe on 11/10/09 at 14:47:43

my friends started a groupchat in skype.
this groupchat tab now keeps reappearing.
I closed and exited skype and adium restarted my computer.
All that didnt help.
It reappears randomly - very annoying

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/11/09 at 00:15:11

Type /leave into the chat and you should be leaving it. There's been some debate as to whether closing the chat tab should leave the conversation (like with other Adium/Pidgin chats) or whether it should keep you in the conversation (like in Skype)

# by mastalampe on 11/11/09 at 12:33:54

It worked ! I am so happy.
thanks a lot

# by JJFlash on 11/15/09 at 17:28:51

I've installed the SkypePlugin and it looks like it doesn't work. It shows up in the PlugIn-Manager but nowhere else. No skype contacts, no error messages, regardless if skype is running or not. Should there be any options/preferences for this plugin? If so, where?
I tried to find information about how it should look like when the plugin is running, but i couldn't find any. As a suggestion for the readme-file or your website: It would had saved me quite some time, if it were mentioned somewhere, what is expected to happen after the installation of the plugin (i.e. what changes in the interface/contact list)
I renamed my Adium2.0 directory to start over with a clean profile, but it didn't change anything with regard to the plugin. I deleted the plugin from the profile repeatedly and reinstalled.

Adium-Version is 1.3.8
Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Plugin-Version should be from 15th of November
I'm running out of ideas here, can't even determine, if this is an Adium- or a plugin error (or a user error...).

help would be very much appreciated

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/16/09 at 00:22:17

Does it work when you add a new account?

# by JJFlash on 11/16/09 at 00:53:14

Don't know if this is what you meant, but when I add my ICQ account to a new (clean) adium profile I don't see something skype-related happenening.
I assume I should either see my skype-contacts in Adiums contact list or get an error message, that skype should be started?

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/16/09 at 02:00:31

Nope, ICQ isn't Skype :)
Try adding a Skype account. Skype should be one of the protocols in the drop-down list when you add a new account.

# by JJFlash on 11/16/09 at 11:23:50

OK, now I get what you mean. SkypeAPI shows up under protocols, adding a skype account brings all my skype contacts into my Adium contact list. Actually looks like it works like a charm. Shame on me. ;)

Many thanks for your help.

Allthough all this looks quite simple when you know it, I still would suggest to add the info how to start to the readme. Maybe there are more like me aóut there, getting this wrong.

Thank you again!

# by Ksilebo on 11/16/09 at 23:40:39

I get a crash whenever I try to change what group a contact is in. Would this information be useful to you? Let me know what your preferred contact info is and I can send that off.

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/17/09 at 00:12:19

Yes please! Email it through to

# by pitterpoehse on 11/16/09 at 23:49:07

I've just been so happy as I saw
15 Nov:
* Finally fixed groups
But even if I completely reinstall the Plugin, the "Skype" group in my contact list is deleted as soon as I restart Adium.
Has anyone got an idea how to fix that?

Adium-Version is 1.4b15
Skype-Version is
Snow Leopard 10.6.2

# by iamhappy on 01/07/10 at 09:10:57

hey. first of, GREAT work. thank you big times.

i got it working almost perfect. skype usually gets loaded by an app created in Automator with Applescript code to close the annoying contact list popup after every start.

How difficult would it be to "modify" (i guess recompile) the plugin so it wont start the original, but instead starts my loader app. (auto-start skype feature)

launcher is located at /Applications/ :)

anyway :D thanks again

# by evinh0 on 01/19/10 at 19:20:18

I always use skype trought this plugin now :) i leave skype hide. but it would be nice to have an option "send file" like "call" or "send sms", to send files trought skype without opening it! :)

I love this plugin thx.

# by nmkea on 02/01/10 at 09:19:14

Thanks for a very, very handy tool. I realize Skype does not really like people replacing their API but your plugin gets me 90% of the way to a unified UI and that is awesome.

Having a few issues here (Adium 1.3.10, Skype, OS X 10.6.2, 20091114 plugin build)

Status seems to work for online/away and custom messages, but breaks for manually set 'invisible' and with automatic 'away' after idle (Skype still shows me available, but XMPP status is correct.)

Every 2-3 times I start Adium, it fails to start Skype unless I choose 'always allow this application to use Skype' and then forgets that soon after.

If someone sends me a file via Skype file transfer, a window pops up with every Skype file xfer I've ever done and no indication of what is new.

There are some conditions (can't quite nail it down yet) where I get both a Skype and an Adium popup and no matter how many times I minimize the Skype chat, oth pop back up when the next message comes in. + H seems to stop this but it can get very distracting.

Thanks again...

# by nmkea on 02/02/10 at 02:48:42

Updating to the 20100120 plugin build seems to have fixed the manual status issues - invisible now works, but if my machine auto-idles the Skype status stays available.

Also a new artifact: When I set a custom status message in Adium, I get a Skype 'Mood Message' alert and a popup in Adium with my Skype username postpended with a random alphanumeric string.

# by mareoraft on 02/13/10 at 22:51:46

Now we just need a button or something in Adium which will cause Skype to launch a video chat. Just one little command, makes all the difference....

# by Endarion on 02/14/10 at 18:25:08

First off, really great Add-on. :)

Unfortunately I can't get the group chats to work properly. They don't open by themselves and they don't show the conversations I missed like they do on Skype. The group chat essentially behaves like any other 1on1 Chat, opening as soon as someone sends me a message, but not before. Am I doing something wrong or is this feature just not implemented yet?

# by silverbeat on 05/27/10 at 18:58:29


I also have problems using the group chat. Sometimes people invite me to one, but I don't get all of their messages so I always have to unhide Skype and use the original client.

Which problems are known, and can you say if there will be a solution?

Regards, silverbeat

# by BigBrownChunx on 05/27/10 at 22:39:01

If you can get a debug log, I'll have a look at why the messages aren't coming through.

# by DaijDjan on 02/15/10 at 15:29:37

this is an awwesome plugin. I hid skype completely and made it my 'main client'
can I get the november one though? I need groups ^^

# by vdl on 03/09/10 at 11:33:50

Today I've updated Skype (v2.8.0.851) and the plugin can't get a connection :-(
Is it a known issue ?

# by kestertaylor on 03/09/10 at 16:11:08

For anyone who's still upset about having to have the program open, I've come up with a fairly decent interim solution to make it *appear* as though Skype chat (text only, obviously) works seamlessly and exclusively within Adium.

1. Grab a program called Dock Dodger from here: . This app allows you to hide any program's menubar and Dock icon.

2. Go into Skype's preferences and turn off all of your in-app sound notifications (otherwise they'll double up with your Adium-based ones)

3. Use Dock Dodger on Skype and restart the program. Without the Dock icon the easiest way to access it is through Spotlight, Quicksilver, or another launcher program, though of course you can do it the old-fashioned way by going to Applications also.

4. Install this Adium/Skype plugin featured on this page. Restart Adium.

5. Voila! When you first launch Skype, you can just use Cmd + H to hide the chat and buddy list windows, and from there on out you will ONLY see/hear them in Adium, and only see the Adium buddy list.

# by kestertaylor on 03/09/10 at 16:11:08

For anyone who's still upset about having to have the program open, I've come up with a fairly decent interim solution to make it *appear* as though Skype chat (text only, obviously) works seamlessly and exclusively within Adium.

1. Grab a program called Dock Dodger from here: . This app allows you to hide any program's menubar and Dock icon.

2. Go into Skype's preferences and turn off all of your in-app sound notifications (otherwise they'll double up with your Adium-based ones)

3. Use Dock Dodger on Skype and restart the program. Without the Dock icon the easiest way to access it is through Spotlight, Quicksilver, or another launcher program, though of course you can do it the old-fashioned way by going to Applications also.

4. Install this Adium/Skype plugin featured on this page. Restart Adium.

5. Voila! When you first launch Skype, you can just use Cmd + H to hide the chat and buddy list windows, and from there on out you will ONLY see/hear them in Adium, and only see the Adium buddy list.

# by kestertaylor on 03/10/10 at 14:58:42

Sorry about the double post before. Dunno how that happened.

Anyhoo, I was just wondering if there's a way to prevent the Skype group from continually being recreated every time I start up Adium?

# by seven.figure on 03/10/10 at 17:28:34

I too just updated Skype and it looks like it broke the plugin. No connection is made. It just spins and spins. Anyone else?

# by seven.figure on 03/11/10 at 23:28:31

I found this in one of the above posts... If you are having issues with connecting after updating Skype, do the following:

1. Close Skype,
2. Delete the following files:

~/Library/Application Support/Skype

3. Open up Skype and log in. Once you do this, all should be good.

# by fyrehead on 03/14/10 at 16:14:49

Quick question i am running the latest version of everything on snow leopard. when i receive a message for skype, i get two chat windows, one in adium, AND one in skype, ow can i keep the skype window from popping up.

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/15/10 at 11:58:53

The plugin does its best to try and hide Skype, but it doesn't always work. If it doesn't, you can hide Skype by clicking on it to focus it and press Command+H

# by caliguy on 03/22/10 at 02:34:43


What the heck????

I cannot see my Skype group at all, and when I try to delete them from this group Adium crashes. I am so disappointed, I dont know what to do. Everytime I hear "software just works" I want to smack someone over the head can someone please help me??

I am on Snow Leopard,

macbook pro 15" 2,66 GHz
Adium 1.4b17
Skype plugin
MSN plugin (also troublesome)
anything else you need to know?

# by caliguy on 03/22/10 at 02:34:43


What the heck????

I cannot see my Skype group at all, and when I try to delete them from this group Adium crashes. I am so disappointed, I dont know what to do. Everytime I hear "software just works" I want to smack someone over the head can someone please help me??

I am on Snow Leopard,

macbook pro 15" 2,66 GHz
Adium 1.4b17
Skype plugin
MSN plugin (also troublesome)
anything else you need to know?

# by devmage on 05/07/10 at 03:41:13

Echo to caliguy, albeit not with their apparent degree of frustration. When using the Skype plugin, my Skype contacts are listed as members of that group: ROOTJKSHFOEIZNGIOEOP

That particular group does not show in my Contact List, the contacts appear to just be "floating" within the list. It also is impossible to move them to another group, either by editing the contacts' information or by drag-and-dropping them into a group - Adium either doesn't commit the change or crashes. Also echo the behavior of crashing when trying to delete from this group.

Also reporting a significant performance hit to Adium when using this plugin version. The program becomes unresponsive for seconds at a time, without an overt cause. Presuming these are update intervals for the Skype API?

MBP running SL 10.6
Adium 1.4b17
Skype plugin 2Mar

# by jpcampbell on 06/07/10 at 19:47:43

I echo the performance issue. On my Macbook-Pro, the plugin performance is fine. At home, on an i5 iMac, it's unusable.

iMac Snow Leopard 10.6.3
Adium 1.4b18
Skype Plugin 2Mar

# by inquil on 06/10/10 at 16:54:30

Hi, I have the same problem with my Skype contacts, they used to work fine with the Skype plugin, however now they automatically belong to the group "rootjkshfoeizngioeop" instead of the Skype group as before, it seems as if the skype group has been deleted and the default "rootjkshfoeizngioeop" is working instead.

Snow Leopard 10.6.3
Adium 1.4b18

# by svoop on 05/18/10 at 12:40:09

Q: When blocking a Skype contact, will this just block the contact or report it as spam as well? (The latter or a checkbox to choose would be cool. :-)

# by BigBrownChunx on 05/18/10 at 12:47:49

At the moment it just blocks them (doesn't report them) since that's not currently available to do with the Skype API

# by k2rii on 05/28/10 at 09:13:50

Why is it that it does not show when somebody is typing to me?

# by chrislo on 06/30/10 at 21:29:54

if skype contact has multiple contact, can we add in ability to make the skype call on the other numbers? it currently works on skype but not on this xtra api.

# by twiggaloo on 07/06/10 at 09:12:47

I keep having problems with your Skype plugin. It worked fine for quite a while but today it only seems to crash Adium or make it run so slowly that its nearly unusable. It just gives me this error -> Error: Could not connect to Skype process. Skype not running?
I can definitely confirm that Skype is running when its giving me this error so I don't know what is going on.
I have tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin a few times, as well as my Skype application, but the problem persists. Any idea what might have gone wrong or what I should try to do to find out? I'm kind of at a loss at this point...

Kudos on the plugin when it does work though. c: Very handy!

# by twiggaloo on 07/07/10 at 02:20:35

Never mind, I figured it out. Somehow my Skype API Client permissions got changed so that it blocked Adium. Whoops. xD

# by fasmx on 07/09/10 at 07:58:54

SkypeKit is coming -

It allows apps to build skype functionality without the need of running skype. Is there a plan to use this to develop a new plugin? :)

# by BigBrownChunx on 07/09/10 at 08:14:46

# by RockDiesel on 07/31/10 at 00:45:12

beautiful. I am loving this plugin, but my only complaint is having Skype running alongside Adium.

Other than that, I'm completely happy with the plugin and look forward to a version that uses SkypeKit.

Rock from

# by edburns on 07/21/10 at 16:29:49

This is the first and only extra I have installed. It does exactly what I want it to do. Thank you very much.

Ed Burns

# by imatt15 on 08/05/10 at 18:00:12

So when skype was starting up after adium told it to, The access window came up and usually it auto accepts after 3 seconds or so, but this time I pressed enter before it disappeared. I don't know what my enter button did, but now Adium hangs every time I try to connect to skype. Skype opens and everything, but the contacts don't show up and Adium is very slow until I can get up to Cancel Skype login.

Is there a way I can reset the permission so that the window comes up again?

# by deimos on 08/17/10 at 12:17:59

Every time I start a Skype chat through Adium both the Adium and Skype chat windows pop-up. I cannot find any options to disable the Skype chat window. It is really annoying and very frustrating. Excellent plug-in except for this feature.

# by BigBrownChunx on 08/17/10 at 23:18:15

The plugin does its best to hide the Skype windows but different system setups may not let this feature work. If it doesn't, you can hide Skype with the Command-H shortcut.

# by yoft on 08/21/10 at 19:10:16

This plugin works great, but I was wondering about the ability to close skype when I close adium, so I don't have to close both applications. I tried adding an event in adium, telling it to run an applescript when I disconnect. The applescript I wrote is just "tell application "skype"; quit application; end tell" and the applescript works when I just execute the script but for some reason adium won't run the script when I quit the application by using cmd+q? Possibly because adium doesn't register a "quit" as a "disconnect"? Help anyone?

# by capeyork on 08/26/10 at 23:28:45

The plugin can start skype on its own, which is great. A simple edit to the skype Info.plist turns the app into an agent (no dock icon, no taskbar icon, no menubar) so you don't really have to 'know' that it's even running.

To enable agent mode:
defaults write /Applications/ LSUIElement 1

To disable agent mode:
defaults write /Applications/ LSUIElement 0

# by kopertop on 08/27/10 at 17:56:29

I just updated to this new version of the SkypeAPI plugin, but now every time I try to turn on my Skype account through Adium Adium crashes. Is there an older release of this so I can rollback to it?

# by kopertop on 08/27/10 at 18:07:10

For those of you who are struggling with this version like me, updating to the latest version of Adium 1.4 fixes the crashing issue:

# by j.p.rub on 08/31/10 at 02:47:12


I have got a problem. I use Adium with this Skype plugin and everytime I start Adium, it goes online in icq , it starts skype, BUT when skype is online adium crashes. Skype is still running, but not Adium and if I start Adium again, it goes again online in icq, but just for a second and crashes again.
If I start Adium without Skype or quit Skype while dealing in, everything is fine!

My Skype API Client permissions is "allow access" to Adium.

I have tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin, adium and skype a few times. It's the newes version Adium:1.3.10 Skype:
But nothing worked.

Do you have an idea?

# by BigBrownChunx on 08/31/10 at 03:13:19

When it crashes, can you get the Apple Crash Report and email it to me?

# by j.p.rub on 08/31/10 at 03:35:37

I send it to your email.

# by Crazy_Chucky on 09/07/10 at 23:44:47

I'm having the same issue (on 10.4.11, if that helps). Would it be helpful if I sent you my crash log too?

# by gyffes on 09/03/10 at 17:11:55

Problem: installed the API and now Adium crashes instantly. I can't leave it up long enough to uninstall the API. suggestions? Where does it reside so I can manually (re)move it?

# by gyffes on 09/03/10 at 17:13:40

*sigh* ... sorry, I know better:
Snow Leopard, fully updated
Adium, 1.3.10

# by kennyhyder on 09/03/10 at 22:13:17

I am having the same problem as it seems many others are, Adium crashes when it tries to connect to Skype. I've been using Adium with the Skype extension for a couple years now with no problems, this problem started happening yesterday. Help?

# by mtnchkn on 09/04/10 at 06:45:19

confirmed others. I updated to the most recent xtra and now crashes after skype login.

# by gyffes on 09/07/10 at 16:32:47

Well, I finally dug the plugin out of my Users/Gyffes/Library/Application Support/Adium/Plugins folder and deleted the plugin; Adium now starts up w/out crashing. I tried to remove the skype line from the plist but it wouldn't edit so I tried this and it proved sufficient.

It's too bad, I was hopeful for this solution.

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/08/10 at 02:08:55

Haven't had a chance to work on it more on account of all the earthquakes. Others have said that upgrading to 1.4beta is a workaround for the crashes

# by deimos on 09/08/10 at 18:44:05

Like others have reported, this latest version crashes Adium on startup. If Skype is already running it crashes very quickly but if Skype is not running it starts Skype OK, hides the Skype contact list, managed the "Another application ..." security dialogue OK and then crashes Adium. Putting the old plug-in back from the Trash makes everything go good again.

(Latest Adium (1.3.10)
OS X 10.6.4

If more info needed do ask.

# by ruslog on 09/09/10 at 10:40:26

Hi! When I start adium 1.3.1 with this plugin + skype 2.8, adium crushed with fatal error, you know). Solution = find previos plugin (my from 01-10) and install with latest adium.
With latest skype previos plugin have a little problems too - not shown contact icons in adium, incoming messages coming only in Skype. Solution = install 2.7 Skype. Hope this help.

10.6.3 OSX

# by kudos on 09/09/10 at 16:48:54

Same deal. When Adium is reopened after plug-in install, it opens skype which automatically logs in, but then adium reports a fatal error and exits. Had to manually trash plug-in from its directory under /library/...

(Adium 1.3.1 / Skype / 08/26/10 version of adium-skype plugin.)

# by kudos on 09/09/10 at 17:01:36

Sort of solved the problem. Downloaded the latest beta of Adium (v.1.4b18) and the plugin works. I've only had it up for 5 minutes, but it doesn't fail upon start-up as before. Everything seems to be going smoothly.

# by kudos on 09/09/10 at 17:03:05

In case you're wondering... Adium betas are available here:

# by mlopes on 09/14/10 at 16:49:03

Just installed the August 26th version, and Adium 1.3.10 crashes as soon as the account tries to log in.
Here is the logs:

9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] objc[1297]: Class PurpleService is implemented in both /Applications/ and /Users/mlopes/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/PlugIns/SkypePlugin.AdiumPlugin/Contents/MacOS/SkypePlugin. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] (process:1297): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_lookup: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] ** (process:1297): CRITICAL **: purple_signal_emit_vargs: assertion `instance_data != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] (process:1297): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_lookup: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] ** (process:1297): CRITICAL **: purple_signal_emit_vargs: assertion `instance_data != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] (process:1297): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_lookup: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] ** (process:1297): CRITICAL **: purple_signal_emit_vargs: assertion `instance_data != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] (process:1297): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_lookup: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] ** (process:1297): CRITICAL **: purple_signal_emit_vargs: assertion `instance_data != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:41 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] ** (process:1297): CRITICAL **: signal_connect_common: assertion `instance != NULL' failed
9/14/10 2:42:47 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] SocketRead: read(5) error 0
9/14/10 2:42:47 PM [0x0-0xfe0fe].com.adiumX.adiumX[1297] SocketRead err = -9802

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/14/10 at 23:34:42

Unfortunately I haven't had time to fix this, but a workaround for now is to upgrade to Adium 1.4

# by mtnchkn on 09/18/10 at 02:56:56

Can confirm that the present Aug2010 build works with Adium 1.4

# by Crazy_Chucky on 09/20/10 at 00:05:51

For those of us who can't upgrade Adium to 1.4 because we're still PPC dinosaurs, could you please post the older version of this plugin that reportedly worked with 1.3?

# by Crazy_Chucky on 10/30/10 at 00:52:08

Pretty please?

# by Kai85 on 09/22/10 at 07:15:04

After Update to Adium 1.4 b19 Skype Plug-in starts Skype on start-up,
skype is also started without any problem and runs normally
but Adium seems to hang and gives the following message:
"Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?"
I de-activate Plug-in since then..
Problem existed before with Version b18.
Thanks in advice!

# by Kai85 on 09/24/10 at 16:57:34

...with the following debug results:
15:54:51: adiumPurpleCoreDebugInit()
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) removing pref /plugins/prpl/jabber/avoid_sasl_for_plain_auth
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) removing pref /plugins/prpl/jabber
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) Reading file xmpp-caps.xml from directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:51: (Libpurple: jabber) Caps ext nimbuzz-web had no features.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: jabber) Caps ext groupchat-v1 had no features.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: jabber) creating hash tables for data objects
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/offline changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/available changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/invisible changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/away changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/extended_away changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/idle changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/status/scores/offline_msg changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) Reading file accounts.xml from directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) Reading file status.xml from directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) File /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/status.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificateVerifier x509, singleuse requested but not found.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificateVerifier singleuse registered
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificatePool x509, ca requested but not found.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate/x509/ca) Lazy init failed because an X.509 Scheme is not yet registered. Maybe it will be better later.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate/x509/ca) Init failed, probably because a dependency is not yet registered. It has been deferred to later.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificatePool ca registered
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificatePool x509, tls_peers requested but not found.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificatePool tls_peers registered
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificateVerifier x509, tls_cached requested but not found.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: certificate) CertificateVerifier tls_cached registered
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/proxy/type changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/proxy/host changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/proxy/port changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/proxy/username changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: prefs) /purple/proxy/password changed, scheduling save.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: sslconn) Unable to initialize SSL.
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) Reading file smileys.xml from directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) File /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/smileys.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)
15:54:51: (Libpurple: stun) using server
15:54:51: (Libpurple: nat-pmp) Found a default gateway
15:54:51: (Libpurple: nat-pmp) Attempting to retrieve the public ip address for the NAT device at:
15:54:51: (Libpurple: nat-pmp) Timeout: 0s 250000us
15:54:51: (Libpurple: nat-pmp) Response was not received from our gateway! Instead from:
15:54:51: Setting de as LC_ALL
15:54:51: adiumPurpleCore: load_all_plugins()
15:54:51: adiumPurpleCoreUiInit
15:54:51: adiumPurpleCore: purple_blist_load()...
15:54:51: (Libpurple: util) Reading file blist.xml from directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:52: Created PurpleAccount 0x1c5732f0 with UID skype and protocolPlugin prpl-bigbrownchunx-skype
15:54:52: Created PurpleAccount 0x1c5732f0 with UID skype, protocolPlugin prpl-bigbrownchunx-skype
15:54:52: Original image of size 218.000000 218.000000
15:54:52: :skype: Scaled image to size {96, 96}
15:54:52: -[CBPurpleAccount setAccountUserImage:withData:]: :skype setting icon data of length 22951
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) Writing file /Users/kai/Library/Caches/Adium/Default/9de8bb9a8c6b1cd145a3d9bb53b6639d87232d5c.png
15:54:52: :skype: Updating status for key: User Icon
15:54:52: Adium: Connect: skype initiating connection using status state (%_lastfm
15:54:52: :skype: Updating status for key: Online
15:54:52: :skype: Updating status for key: Enabled
15:54:52: :skype: Updating status for key: FullNameAttr
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) requesting to fetch a URL
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dns) DNS query for '' queued
15:54:52: (Libpurple: skype) returning status types
15:54:52: (Libpurple: skype) returning status types
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dnsquery) IP resolved for
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Attempting connection to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to with no proxy
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connection in progress
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connected to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) request constructed
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) Response headers: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Linux, UPnP/1.0, DIR-615 Ver 4.11
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:54:52 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 3988
Last-Modified: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:00:09 GMT
Connection: close

15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) parsed 3988
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) requesting to fetch a URL
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dns) DNS query for '' queued
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dns) DNS query for '' queued
15:54:52: Setting status on 1c5732f0 (Skype): ID ONLINE, isActive 1, attributes {
message = "U266b Quiet";
15:54:52: (Libpurple: account) Connecting to account Skype.
15:54:52: (Libpurple: connection) Connecting. gc = 0x18ba7910
15:54:52: Connecting: gc=0x18ba7910 (Connecting) 0 / 5
15:54:52: ************ skype --step-- 0
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dnsquery) IP resolved for
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Attempting connection to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to with no proxy
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connection in progress
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connected to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) request constructed
15:54:52: (Libpurple: dnsquery) IP resolved for
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Attempting connection to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to with no proxy
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connection in progress
15:54:52: Called write with no write_tag
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connecting to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: proxy) Connected to
15:54:52: (Libpurple: upnp) Local IP:
15:54:52: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Is Skype running? 'No'
15:54:52: (Libpurple: skype) Should I start Skype?
15:54:52: (Libpurple: skype) Yes, start Skype
15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) Response headers: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Linux, UPnP/1.0, DIR-615 Ver 4.11
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:54:52 GMT
CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

15:54:52: (Libpurple: util) parsed 346
15:54:52: (Libpurple: upnp) NAT Returned IP:
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file prefs.xml to directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/prefs.xml
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file accounts.xml to directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/accounts.xml
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file blist.xml to directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:54:56: (Libpurple: util) Writing file /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/blist.xml
15:55:02: Connecting: gc=0x18ba7910 (Connecting) 0 / 5
15:55:02: ************ skype --step-- 0
15:55:02: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Is Skype running? 'Yes'
15:55:04: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Skype couldn't connect :(
15:55:05: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:05: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:05: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:06: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:06: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:06: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:07: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:07: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:07: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:08: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:08: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:08: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:09: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:09: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:09: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:10: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:10: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:10: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:11: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:11: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:11: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:12: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:12: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:12: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:13: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:13: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:13: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:13: (Libpurple: skype) Should I start Skype?
15:55:14: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Is Skype running? 'Yes'
15:55:16: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Skype couldn't connect :(
15:55:16: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:16: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:16: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:17: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:17: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:17: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:18: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:18: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:18: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:19: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:19: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:19: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:20: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:20: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:20: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:21: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:21: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:21: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:22: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:22: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:22: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:23: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:23: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:23: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:24: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:24: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:24: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:25: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Is Skype running? 'Yes'
15:55:27: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Skype couldn't connect :(
15:55:28: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:28: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:28: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:29: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:29: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:29: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:30: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:30: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:30: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:31: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:31: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:31: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:32: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:32: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:32: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:33: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:33: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:33: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:34: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:34: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:34: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:35: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:35: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:35: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:36: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:36: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:36: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:37: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Is Skype running? 'Yes'
15:55:38: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Skype couldn't connect :(
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:39: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Enabling universal access
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Trying to run AppleScript code
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype_osx) Error: 'Access assistive devices' isn't enabled
see for details.
15:55:40: (Libpurple: connection) Connection error on 0x18ba7910 (reason: 16 description:
Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?)
15:55:40: Connection Disconnected: gc=18ba7910 (
Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?)
15:55:40: :skype accountConnectionReportDisconnect:
Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?
15:55:40: (Libpurple: account) Disconnecting account Skype (0x1c5732f0)
15:55:40: (Libpurple: connection) Disconnecting connection 0x18ba7910
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype) logging out
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: 'SET USERSTATUS OFFLINE'
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype) Sending: 'SET SILENT_MODE OFF'
15:55:40: (Libpurple: skype) disconnecting...
15:55:41: Disconnected: gc=18ba7910
15:55:41: :skype: Telling the core we disconnected
15:55:41: :skype: Disconnected: Will not reconnect
15:55:41: Posting Growl notification: Event ID: Interface_ErrorMessageReceived, listObject: (null), chat: (null), description: skype (Skype) : Error

Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?
15:55:41: (Libpurple: connection) Destroying connection 0x18ba7910
15:55:45: (Libpurple: util) Writing file accounts.xml to directory /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple
15:55:45: (Libpurple: util) Writing file /Users/kai/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/accounts.xml

# by mh_faktor on 09/28/10 at 12:24:08

Hi everyone / BigBrownChunx !

Is it possible to "turn off " spype duplicity when using Skype API protocol. I like to use only adium with no duplicity irritation.
Thank you for help.

Adium 1.4b.19
Mac 10.6.4

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/28/10 at 12:44:42

The plugin does its best to do this, but if it doesn't just focus Skype and hit Command+H

# by mh_faktor on 09/28/10 at 13:00:39

:-) thank you. I does only with initial chat message. After Comm+H no problem.

# by Snupt on 09/28/10 at 16:27:13

When I change my status, pop up the window
Can I fix this?

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/28/10 at 22:57:51

It's probably caused by the mood messages windows. "Right click on the Mood Messages chat in chat drawer->Chat Notification Settings" to disable

# by BigBrownChunx on 09/28/10 at 22:59:54

Oops, those were instructions for an older version of Skype. Try "Preferences->Advanced->Turn off 'Enable Mood Message Feed'."

# by jondruse on 09/30/10 at 21:43:02

Is it possible for all my Skype contacts to be put in a skype group? It's a pain every time I open adium to have to organize all my contacts manually.

# by nmkea on 10/04/10 at 17:31:41

20100826 build crashes Adium 1.3.10, but does work with 1.4b19 here.

# by deimos on 10/06/10 at 22:11:24

When I use the Skype client to look at a contact's profile I get a birthday shown. When I do the same in Adium the birthday shown (from the GetInfo) is todays date and not the value from the Skype contact, nor the birthday from the Address Book card. Also the date format is the US format mm/dd/yy rather than the formats being sed by the system.

(still using the previous release of the Skype plug-in as the current one crashes my Adium and I don't really want to start going over to beta releases.

# by nmkea on 10/11/10 at 17:10:58

New artifact since the upgrade to Adium 1.4b19 and 20100826 build: Duplicate contacts appearing in my assigned Adium groups and also the Skype group. Choosing 'get info' for one of these contacts shows it belonging to both groups, but when I select and delete the Skype group, nothing changes.

# by DaijDjan on 10/14/10 at 15:19:24

samee here... all contacts with skype show up twice

# by LcTheSecond on 10/21/10 at 15:52:15

Aff, it crashes all the time.

# by BigBrownChunx on 10/21/10 at 22:24:37

Are you using Adium 1.3? If so, try using Adium 1.4

# by LcTheSecond on 10/21/10 at 23:11:01

Really?, strange I tried to update through my adium dropdown menu and it said that my was the currently version. (1.3.10) well that what adium said.

# by LcTheSecond on 10/21/10 at 23:13:40

I'm sorry but where do I download the 1.4 version? On the website home page ( it says the last version is (1.3.10)

# by BigBrownChunx on 10/21/10 at 23:18:22

# by nmkea on 10/27/10 at 22:57:28

Seems like the Skype group is somehow auto-creating itself, so as long as I collapse it I get a normal view with the other groups. There is a bug with deleting groups - Adium crashes if I try to remove a group from a Skype contact. Once it restarts, things seem to straighten out.

# by BigBrownChunx on 10/27/10 at 23:18:01

Can you email me the crash report from when Adium crashes?

# by mratzloff on 11/01/10 at 18:10:18

This duplicating bug is still present in the Adium 1.4 final release (Skype plugin version 26Aug). Contacts are part of both their original group and a new group, "ROOTJKSHFOEIZNGIOEOP". Users in this ROOT... group appear as unsorted contacts. If I try to remove them from the ROOT... group, it removes their original group instead.

# by mratzloff on 11/03/10 at 17:04:15

Apparently the bug no longer exists after a reboot.

# by mratzloff on 11/04/10 at 00:14:22

I take that back, it randomly fixed itself for most of my contacts, but one contact is in THREE different groups (only one actually assigned): Root, Coworkers, and Skype.

# by deimos on 11/03/10 at 12:31:47

Since upgrading to Adium 1.4 this plug-in no longer changes the status (online/busy/etc.) of Skype when coming out of sleep (i.e. opening the screen of my MacBook. Works OK is I them manually change the status of Adium (Skype status changes to the new status OK). Its just when coming out of sleep it does not happen. Adium updates the status fine (i.e. automatically puts status back to online - you often notice the icon starting "offline" then after a few moments changing to available). Worked fine with the 1.3 Adium release. This is both with the previous plug-in release and the current (I upgraded to 26Aug release in case it was an issue with the previous release).

Also, having similar issues with groups - but my "View Groups" in Adium looks a complete mess - for all contacts not just those in Skype. It looks like something to do with where you have contacts grouped (as done automatically based on the Address book). I've not looked in details but is seems that all IM addresses for each contact are shown in every group; so a contact with an AIM and an Jabber address (grouped) would then have both addresses displayed in both groups (though this may be a display issue as the Get Info on each address shown in both groups has only the correct groups listed (i.e. the duplication is in the display list NOT the grouping). But I don;t tend to "Show Groups" so I've not investigated in any detail.

# by deimos on 11/03/10 at 14:45:09

I'm now starting to get crashes on coming out of sleep (and it looks like the crash is in the Skype plug-in). Never had any problems with the previous release of Adium and Skye plug-in so it is something to do with the upgrade. If the crash report is useful let me know and where to send it (I guess you would not want the entire file posted here !).

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/03/10 at 22:42:06

That's not good. Can you please email through the crash report? Thanks! :)

# by deimos on 11/05/10 at 16:58:46

To clarify the problem with the status not being re-set correctly - I used bad (well wrong) terminology.

When my MacBook is closed (goes into suspend mode) and then opened again, Adium sets all services to "available" except Skype which stays "away". If I leave the MacBook alone for a bit, long enough so Adium automatically sets its status to idle/away then when I start using the computer again, Adium/Skype plug-in set all services back to online (including Skype). So the failure to set the Skype status only happens when opening the MacBook (from suspend).

I think I got sleep/suspend wrong. Very sorry and I hope you have not wasted time chasing the wrong thing.

(For anybody else's info: Crash sent and you have received and are investigating)

# by deimos on 11/06/10 at 14:58:02

Sorry - done some more tests and now:

When I manually set the status using Adium, Skype updates its status correctly. When idle/away through inactivity, on activity Adium goes back online OK but Skype does not change and stays "Away". I have to manually change the status (in Adium) to get Skype to go back "Available".

Either I have been reading things wrong or the behaviour is not consistent. anyway, I've tried several times and this should be the final update on this (sorry for messing you around).

# by deimos on 11/23/10 at 14:18:40

Identified my confusion.

On opening MacBook (resume from suspend), Adium puts all accounts back online OK except Skype which seems to stay/go to an away state (I am to slow entering my password to see what state it is in immediately on opening laptop - so MSN, AIM, etc all online OK but Skype "away".

Skype then stays in "away" status whilst computer in use. If computer then left for e.g. 15 mins so it goes into sleep state, on return from sleep, enter security password and everything including skype put back online properly (i.e. Skype is switched from its incorrect "away" state to online.

So the fault is in resume from suspend whilst resume from sleep works OK. Looks (from a users perspective) as though Skype plug-in works OK as works fine on resume from sleep.

Any progress as it is a real pain and I keep forgetting to change Skype status on opening MacBook (so I can be shows as away for hours when I am actually online and people cannot/do not contact me and it is a big impact).

# by gamename on 11/05/10 at 22:54:07

Just upgraded to Skype beta I dont' get a crash. Skype come up along with Adium. If I start a conversation from inside Adium for Skype contact, the contact will see my message. However, when the contact replies, I do *not* see the reply, and have to switch over to Skype to continue the conversation.

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/07/10 at 19:43:51

Just uploaded a new version of the plugin which should fix this.

# by gamename on 11/07/10 at 20:52:06


# by zico82 on 11/08/10 at 12:25:44

thanks for the fix

# by imatt15 on 11/08/10 at 23:58:59

Thanks BBC, came on here to let you know this, but it's already fixed!

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/07/10 at 18:48:05

Just so people know, there's a bug in Skype 5 beta which is stopping the plugin from receiving messages currently. Recommended to not use the beta.

# by 07BladeRider on 11/15/10 at 21:55:43

Looks like the groups bug still exists. I have Adium 1.4 with Skype and the 8Nov (11/07/2010) Skype Plugin and the Skype group recreates itself every time I close out both Adium and Skype and restart Adium. When Adium restarts, it recreates the Skype group.

I have the following set for Skype account options:

Auto-start Skype if not running
Make Skype online/offline when going online/offline

Connect when Adium opens

# by Kai85 on 11/17/10 at 13:29:40

Get this problem constantly:

"skype (Skype) : Error

Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?"

I have Adium 1.4.1 with Skype and the 8Nov (11/07/2010) Skype Plugin.
Any hints?

# by ozarknature on 12/06/10 at 09:59:33

I am getting the same error msgs.

# by mja_adium on 12/09/10 at 21:43:37

Try going into Skype -> Account -> Manage API Clients

...and checking that Adium is "Allowed to use Skype"

# by Kai85 on 12/10/10 at 06:23:24

Oh my god, didn't await such an easy solution!
Thank you very much. Didn't even thought about controlling this option - thought this would be regulated through the plug-in or as in old times through a question of Skype at its starting-up.
Thank you!

# by Kai85 on 11/17/10 at 13:30:32

Skype starts regularly - Adium doesn't recognize this.

# by blackgin on 11/17/10 at 18:52:56

I have this problem too :(

# by protagonist22 on 11/18/10 at 19:54:14

thank you! Good work but I don't like to run skype at the same time

# by diniscorreia on 11/29/10 at 17:34:52

Hi there,

Everything works great *except* for the Skype group not being created (it eventually got, after restarting Skype and Adium for the third time, but now the contacts are on the "rootjkshfoeizngioeop" group - and the group doesn't even show up - the contacts are only listed on the end of the contact list).

Any ideas? This is the only thing keeping mr from using this.

Thanks a lot!

# by izzo035 on 12/01/10 at 14:22:37

Only about half of my Skype contacts show up on Adium when I use this. Any idea why?

I'm using Adium 1.4.1, Skype and the latest Skype plugin.

Also just tried with the beta for Skype with the same result.

It doesn't matter if I attempt to add the contact again through Skype, or if the missing contact is online or offline. They simply do not show in Adium at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

# by prattel on 12/04/10 at 11:37:52

Thanks for the great plugin, loving it! Do you have any experiences with a bug on skypes end? I'm using skype 5 beta on Mac. When I check API settings, it says Adium is allowed to use it, without requiring asking again. Though each start, skype still wants to know of adium may have access. Any idea on why that might be?

Thanks & cheers

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/05/10 at 09:08:08

That should be fixed in the latest Skype, but it happens because Skype hasn't loaded the user settings to see what programs are allowed, until Skype's logged in, but the plugin tries to connect to Skype before it's logged in. You can always try starting Skype before starting Adium to see if that fixes it, or try turn on the 'enable assistive devices' setting in the accessibility settings in your system settings.

# by prattel on 12/05/10 at 11:59:40

That's a funny bug in Skype, thanks :) Gonna try your fix!

# by deimos on 12/06/10 at 13:26:17

Idea: To get round the "bug" in Skype, how about an additional plug-in option to delay the plug-in connection to Skype after starting it by either a preset number of seconds or allow user to set the delay in the plug-in options. This delay after starting Skype would allow it to start, connect and auto-login and thus load the user settings. I know that when Skype starts on my Mac it takes ages to start and log-in and takes loads of CPU time so I would need to set any such delay to be long but others might be able to get away with being quicker.

Just a thought as to how the plug-in could get round the Skype "funny"

# by prattel on 12/04/10 at 16:29:19

Another thing: Race condition. I wanted to shut down my Mac, it killed Skype, the plugin restarted it. Shutdown was aborted :]

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/05/10 at 09:05:10

Odd. The plugin doesn't kill Skype. It might be crashing?

# by prattel on 12/05/10 at 11:58:52

No, the plugin doesn't. But shutting down the Mac does. Shutdown-skype-kill happened before adium was killed. Thus adium tried to restart Skype :]

# by nmkea on 12/08/10 at 22:40:27

Skype is in beta. Any plans to support that, or do you expect to move right to SkypeKit?


# by nmkea on 12/08/10 at 22:53:57

Guess I should have checked first. It appears to (mostly) work, though I seem to have lost all my groups other than Skype after starting up Adium. Contacts are all there, assigned to Skype group, but the other groups are completely gone - not just unassigned.

# by nmkea on 12/16/10 at 19:27:50

When I start Adium, it now opens with a bunch of tabbed chat windows labeled like #myskypehandle/$+1234567890;234edf (my skyp handle, a ten digit phone number I called on Skype last time Adium was open, and a few random digits.) One tab for each call I made yesterday.

# by nmkea on 12/28/10 at 20:32:25

One more issue with the 5.0 Beta: I got a Skype authorization request which popped up the expected Adium window, but both options were grayed out. When I opened up Skype, I was able to authorize the request. Did they make changes to the API again?

# by enkuturi-akrias on 12/16/10 at 08:08:58

Awesome! Worked great!

# by grOOvy on 12/22/10 at 07:32:58

Thanks for writing this plug-in, BigBrownChunx.

I seem to be facing the same problem that many others are. Skype contacts seem to be placed in the root folder of my Adium contact list each time Adium restarts. If I create a group (called "Skype", for example) and place all the Skype contacts within it, restarting Adium moves the contacts back to root and I have to move them back to the group each time. This is pretty frustrating, as I like sorting my contacts into groups based on the service they use (MSN, AIM, GTalk, Skype, etc).

I am using the latest version of Adium (1.4.1, on Snow Leopard) and the 08Nov2010 version of your Skype plugin from this page. Is there any more information you need from me? And do you have a fix for this issue? A response would be appreciated, thanks.

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/22/10 at 07:44:59

Unfortunately the grouping bug is a known issue. Every so often I try and fix it without improvement. Not entirely sure what's going wrong, since the same code works fine on Pidgin.

# by grOOvy on 12/22/10 at 07:51:19

I see. Well, thanks for responding anyhow. And here's hoping that someone is able to figure out the root cause behind this issue.

# by Pez on 12/29/10 at 22:34:31

I'm using Adium 1.4.1 on Snow Leopard and the 08Nov2010 version of Skype plugin too. What I do as a workaround for the ROOT group bug (ROOTJKSHFOEIZNGIOEOP) is that I start Adium normally and let all my accounts connect, then I just disconnect from the Skype service (File > Disconnect) and the reconnect (File > Connect) and all my contacts, including Skype ones, are placed correctly in their respective groups. Seems to be some race condition of sorts? I don't know, but that is what I do every time I connect, it is tedious but at least it is better than to have all contacts out of order.

# by BigBrownChunx on 12/30/10 at 05:20:25

Thanks Pez for the info. That might help me track it down.

# by xav_38 on 01/25/11 at 14:54:23

Thanks for the info. Using Adium 1.4.1, when I do that disconnect/connect trick, I get contact duplicated in both groups and root.
I hope you can figure out something.

# by gvlx on 02/03/11 at 01:54:46

Adium 1.4.1. on 10.5.8 - same group (ROOTJKSHFOEIZNGIOEOP) appears on the contact's info but it is not saved in any of the configuration files.

If a contact is assigned to a group, that mapping is not saved even if doing disconnect/connect action.

Skype groups are ignored.

# by diniscorreia on 01/25/11 at 19:40:59

Hi there,

Another bug: when I change my status to Busy on Adium, Skype crashes (other states like away work fine, though - the problem is related to busy).


# by Kai85 on 02/03/11 at 03:02:40

The same problem here - will temporarily not use this status.
Furthermore there are still TOO much Adium starts with problems starting Skype - it's like gambling.

# by Kai85 on 02/03/11 at 04:02:45

Just downloaded new Skype Version (for Mac) and it seems that just the online status works. Busy or away don't work for me right now.

# by roballen on 02/07/11 at 20:36:31

I am running the latest Skype, and Adium. The contacts and groups all seem to work fine, as do the status changes.

My issue is that received messages do not show in Adium. They only appear in Skype. If I type in Adium, they open in Adium & Skype, however anything that is typed back to me only appears in Skype.

So basically anything I do works as it should, but anything received is not sent to Adium.

Any ideas?


Skype =
Adium = 1.4.1

# by marq on 02/11/11 at 23:28:24

I had that issue at one point and restarting both Skype and Adium solved it. Add, isn't it?

Meanwhile, using the same versions of Skype and Adium, I only get a Skype group - and that's new. Previously it wasn't even defined as Skype, it was just showing up at the bottom of the contact list.

I love this plugin and really rely on it heavily, so it'd be a real bummer not to see it get solved.

# by SteinerPDP on 02/12/11 at 13:33:43

since I installed skype 5.0:
- Adium shows my skype contacts as one group called 'skype'. It does not show the skype groups. If I create a new group and add skype contacts, the group disappears on Adium when I restart, but remains on skype.
- Skype 'hangs' on start-up '(auto-start' ticked, 'make skype online' also ticked, 'connect when adium opens' also ticked)

OS X 10.5.08
Admium 1.4.1 (16/11/2010)

FB, IM, Yahoo, G'talk, Jabber, twitter, twitter timelines .. are all working and showing contact groups and if such groups contain combined skype contacts then the skype contact remains associated with that group. But if I disable e.g. FB, then the skype contact disappears from that group on restart.

I re-installed Adium and Skype.

Any ideas on how to fix it? Skype is my main coms interface.

# by BigBrownChunx on 02/13/11 at 00:40:04

Have you tried removing the Skype folder from ~/Application Data/ ?

# by SteinerPDP on 02/13/11 at 18:11:04

No, I hadn't. Tried it. No changed. The I removed EVERYTHING (incl. Adium) .. cleaned out cache and preferences. Reinstalled Adium and Skype API, only. Still the same (at first there was no group and all the Skype contacts showed as a member of ROOTIJKSHFOINZGIOEOP). On second restart, only the 'Skype' group showed up again, but none of the other skype groups. Create two new groups in Adium and added contacts. The groups and its contacts showed-up immediately on skype, but on restart of Adium they had disappeared. Then I removed the skype group and that worked also: All my skype contacts were deleted! Also on the skype server!!! NB: Got them back: 1. set skype offline, quit skype 3. copied back the database from the Trash copy of the Pref data 4. restarted skype offline and renamed all 75 of them and then put skype online which synced the new names back to the server;)

Back to your Skype API for Adium: Adium transfers all information/action correctly to skype. However, it seems to me as if it only picks-up the skype root listing of the contacts (i.e. the contact group called 'Skype'), but none of the actual contact groups (even if that group was originally created in Adium, on restart of Adium/Skype they only show on Skype.

What else can I do?

# by SteinerPDP on 02/21/11 at 19:45:49

What else can I do? ... anybody?

# by SteinerPDP on 02/21/11 at 19:46:14

What else can I do?

# by prefuse on 02/14/11 at 14:40:58

I have the same problem as roballen and would love to see this fixed! I love this plugin since it relieves me from having do deal with the ugly skype api too much...

Adium 1.4.1
OS X 10.6.6

# by prefuse on 02/14/11 at 22:31:36

I meant GUI... not api...

# by Andeas on 02/23/11 at 02:28:47


thank you for this nice plugin. After restart I Now get this error: Could not connect to Skype process.
Skype not running?

As far as I know, nothing changed. Is there anything, I can do to figure out, what is going wrong? thank you very much!

# by Andeas on 02/24/11 at 11:46:54


after two days, the problem resolved again. Still don't know, what happend.

Thank you very much.

# by Khamelion on 03/06/11 at 20:48:50

Seems like the Skype Plugin doesn't work with Mac Os Lion. Can you fix that?

# by karembu on 03/22/11 at 13:26:08


I have the same issue described by "roballen". Received chat messages do not appear in Adium, while I can send without a problem. Application restarts don't help. Any solutions? I see also in a previous thread that there is a known issue with Skype 5 beta where Adium is not able to receive messages, but is that still present in the final release?

# by karembu on 03/22/11 at 14:15:16

OK. My bad. I didn't have the latest plugin version. Upgrading fixed the problem.

# by meghanmcraig on 03/31/11 at 21:55:36

I'm having the same problem as the person above me. I can send messages from Skype, and they're received just fine, but when someone tries to send ME a message, I don't get it. I thought I had the latest plugin version, but I'm not sure. Can you help me?

# by jens on 04/04/11 at 08:27:20

Hi, using latest version of Skype (5.1 but also 2.8) and latest version of Adium, your Skype plugin works just fine.
I have a feature wish: would it be possible to show and access the Skype chat history from within the Adium chat window and/or the Adium chat history window? I don't need it to be saved twice, it would be enough if I could browse it from within Adium.
Also, is the chat text which is typed within Adium always saved in Skype's own chat history (it seems so) or are there exceptions?

Thank you!

# by Shanthing on 04/20/11 at 20:03:56

Using Skype 2.8 and the latest version of Adium. Able to use Skype just fine, save for the fact that my Skype contacts do not all show up in my Adium contact list. I can add contacts, and it will keep them for what seems to be one cycle of signing on/off, but will not show up again. I'd like to have ALL of my Skype contacts consistently show up on my Adium contact list. Help?

# by Shanthing on 04/22/11 at 18:18:00

I fixed this by deleting the entire Skype group, then re-launching. Was definitely trigger-shy on removing the entire group on Adium (not Skype!), but did it anyway. So apparently my issue was something about duplicates canceling maybe? When I re-launched, it loaded Skype contacts under a Skype group - no problem! YAY.

# by emaba on 05/17/11 at 01:27:36

I have some problems with contact grouping.
My Skype contacts appear at the end of the list of contacts.
Also I have the problem with grouped contacts: also the grouped contacts that contains a Skype contact are moved at the end of the list even if the whole contact belongs to another group.

Before I used Skype version 2.7 and the older version of the plugin and I have a similar problem, but was easily resolved simply disconnecting and reconnecting the Skype account from Adium just after I started Adium. But now I can't solve the situation in the same way.

There is any possible solution?
This is due to the plug-in or to Adium?

# by emaba on 06/04/11 at 13:27:04

No help?

# by BigBrownChunx on 06/05/11 at 10:08:52

It's a known issue that I haven't fixed yet.

# by emaba on 06/20/11 at 15:18:33

Can I help? I'm a developer...
There is anything I can do?

# by mayel on 07/04/11 at 15:29:09

Seems to no longer work on Mac OS 10.7 Lion.

# by billsinc on 07/20/11 at 22:39:48

I'm seeing this behavior too.

# by czorr on 07/21/11 at 15:37:56

seeing the same on Lion, either Skype 5 or 2. Can send logs on request.

# by dr_positron on 07/22/11 at 16:40:31

Yeah, I'm having this issue too...

# by pringler on 07/22/11 at 19:22:15

Skype Plugin doesnt connect anymore. And if it does conect, only for 1-2 seconds. Skype 5, Adium 1.42 and OSX Lion.

# by gianlu72 on 07/22/11 at 20:41:03

Same problem here.

# by blackgin on 07/22/11 at 23:21:48

Same here

# by filip.w on 07/25/11 at 00:44:44

I have same problem. Is here anyone who now how it fix?

# by ilmen on 07/25/11 at 14:10:42

I think no one can fix it (except author) :(
and yes, I have same problem.

# by gianlu72 on 07/26/11 at 15:23:32

I'll send him a little donation, I think this will be a far better incentive than simply repeatedly asking for a fix... :-) I invite other user to do the same.

# by dustindclark on 07/27/11 at 23:09:57

Update to the latest version of Skype and the latest version of Adium (released today I believe). I had the same problem until I upgraded a few minutes ago. These kinds of things happen when you're on the bleeding edge.

# by lokys on 07/29/11 at 11:28:58

Still doesn't work if update to latest skype and adium 1.4.3b1 - plugin crash adium

# by ilmen on 07/29/11 at 12:51:10

same :(

# by froamer on 07/30/11 at 13:15:22

I've noticed that if you keep Skype the active window it doesn't disconnect. Not practical I know, but perhaps it will help debug the problem.

# by lokys on 07/30/11 at 18:57:32

Nope, still doesn't work
Buy the problem is in silencing skype

# by blackgin on 07/30/11 at 16:40:11

Does anyone knows if the dev is aware of the issue?

# by BigBrownChunx on 07/31/11 at 02:24:42

Yep, I sure do. is what's been keeping me tied up from fixing it though

# by gianlu72 on 08/01/11 at 19:37:27

I'm really sorry for what happened to your city. Hope you and your family are well.

I invite again other users to send him a little donation through the "Donate" PayPal button on his page (, I think this is the right time to thank a good developer for his job.

# by froamer on 07/30/11 at 19:04:52

By "keep Skype the active window" I mean click it and don't click anywhere else - this "fixes it for me" but only if I don't want to do anything else lol. Do you not see this?

# by froamer on 08/01/11 at 19:03:11

I've upgraded to Adium 1.4.3b2 and it resolves this problem for me.

# by lokys on 08/02/11 at 06:27:15

But on my Mac it can't even connect to skype with while using Adium 1.4.3b2. Plugin authorize and trying to silence skype and after a while it says skype isn't running and trying to reconnect so many many times)))))

# by bcroteau on 08/02/11 at 01:41:15

The Adium/Skype/Lion bug has been reported in the source code issue tracker here:

# by mdbraber on 08/25/11 at 11:35:42

Eion just fixed the OS X Lion issues. Everything is working great again. Thanks a lot Eion for all your efforts!

# by maugar on 08/25/11 at 20:38:03

Everything is working great, thanks, but I used to see Facebook list and Skype list in separate windows. now If I go on "separate from window" nothing happens...

# by brice187 on 08/31/11 at 08:38:04 will this be an option for the Skype plugin for Adium?

# by BigBrownChunx on 08/31/11 at 11:32:49

Unfortunately not. SkypeKit (which is what Trillian are using) is incompatible with any kind of open-source software (legally, not technically)

# by schafi on 09/25/11 at 12:42:15

It seems that the skype plugin is blocking lion sleep mode. When I run a 'pmset -g assertions' in a terminal I get adium as the culprit of preventing lion to go into autosleep after a certain amount of time. when I disconnect from my skype account the autosleep works as intented. I can also run skype as standalone (without this plugin bridge) and lion autosleep works aswell. I hope that you can fix this issue

# by sangeth on 09/28/11 at 04:42:48

Is there any way to pull the address book info (nickname, photo) for Skype contacts? I've added Skype username entries in my address book for the contacts but Adium doesn't seem to be matching them.

# by ProLoser on 10/14/11 at 21:51:54

This plugin has been freezing adium for me ever since I switched to OSX Lion. I've had to disable it. I confirmed I have the latest updates for Skype, OSX and Adium to no avail. I've also tried with skype 2.8 and no difference in results. Adium becomes unuseable completely freezing and not recieving inputs.

# by BigBrownChunx on 10/15/11 at 00:49:54

This will happen if you haven't upgraded the plugin. Try re-downloading the plugin from here. If that still doesn't work, make sure you've completely removed the old plugin from ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Plugins before downloading a fresh copy and installing.

# by UloPe on 10/25/11 at 14:01:26


with Adium 1.4.3 (on Lion 10.7.2) and the current 2011-08-23 version of this Plugin Adium crashes immediately upon installation.

Here is the crash report:

# by svoop on 10/26/11 at 13:20:16

The combo you mention works flawlessly on my i386 Macbook. However, the newest 1.5beta1 crashes if the Skype plugin is present.

# by petercrocker on 10/31/11 at 12:05:28

I'm having a crash on Adium 1.5b2 if I install or have the plugin installed already when Adium starts. I tried reinstalling with no success. I created a text file of the crash report and put it on a dropbox here:

# by crapufish on 11/07/11 at 13:50:26

Same problem here, adium 1.5b won't even start with skype plugin installed.

# by badvladdy on 11/14/11 at 00:27:24

I've been having the same issue here on Lion 10.7.2. I've completely removed the old Skype plugin and installing the new one crashes Adium on installation.

# by igit on 11/08/11 at 18:41:44

For me it's really useful. First I was annoyed that you need skype running in the back, but if someone wants a video or audio-chat with you you can easily switch to skype. But woulg be great if you could accept file-transfers directly from adium.

# by legoktm on 11/21/11 at 10:16:12

I'm having an error on Adium 1.5b4 (OSX 10.6.8) and Skype 5.4b. Upon startup, Adium quits immediately. After moving the plugin to the disabled folder, it works immediately.
I posted my crash log here:

# by NiñoScript on 11/28/11 at 08:37:18

Adium 1.5b5 says in it's changelog that it addresses the issue, but I'm having the same problem. I'm on OS 10.7.2
Here's my crash log:

# by legoktm on 11/28/11 at 12:57:59

Try using the plugin listed here:
It's working for me now.

# by oliver on 11/29/11 at 22:18:33

Yep, that plugin works for me too.

# by badvladdy on 12/11/11 at 07:28:58

That plugin worked for me until I updated to Adium 1.4.4

# by legoktm on 12/11/11 at 09:55:52

I'm running 1.5b6 right now, and it still works. Try updating to the beta?

# by badvladdy on 12/11/11 at 23:17:07

Yeah, it's not working for me under 1.5b6 or 1.5b7

# by badvladdy on 12/14/11 at 06:49:29

Never mind, restarted and it's working. Thanks.

# by emaba on 02/04/12 at 18:18:55

Is there any prevision when the plug-in will be update to run with Adium 1.5rc3 or newer?

# by emaba on 02/04/12 at 18:33:39

Just found a workaround...
Download the version fixed (only for 64bit) that you can found here:
Open the content od the package, open the file Info.plist and change versione of the bundle from 1.0 to something else, for example 1.1.
Install the package, and it should work.

# by rosch100 on 02/09/12 at 13:28:45

Plugin Version 1.1 on Adium 1.5rc3 which is supposed to "Disabled groups, since all buddies were being added without a group" still shows all skype buddies three times - first in their respective group (together with all other Adium buddies) and secondly even twice in a group "Buddys" which cannot be hidden nor disabled...

# by Lohoris on 02/20/12 at 13:48:34

AFAIK Imo supports Skype without requiring anything like "the official client running", so it is technically feasable.
Any plan on actually doing that?

# by BigBrownChunx on 02/22/12 at 18:03:22

They're using SkypeKit, which needs the official SkypeKit client running. Unfortunately the license for SkypeKit specifically forbids it from being used in any open source software, so it can't be used in Adium (or Pidgin)

# by Lohoris on 02/22/12 at 18:09:46

rofl, what a bunch of assholes @skype (not unexpected, though)

# by izzo035 on 03/06/12 at 14:44:42

Is there any reason why only three of my contacts are showing with this plugin? I have about 50 contacts on Skype, and yet only three show up with this plugin. Does anybody have any idea what this is all about?

# by nmkea on 03/17/12 at 17:13:04

Groups are back! Adium 1.5 + 9feb2012 plugin and suddenly everyone is back in their group (oh, wait, groups...) Deleted both the Skype and Buddies groups and everything looked OK, at least until I restarted. Are these some kind of magically persistent groups that will never go away?

thx again...

# by mryunis on 03/19/12 at 21:10:02

Hi there,
Massive Crash on Adium boot. I recently updated both Adium and Skype and now Adium crashes every time it boots up. I reported the bug and was told to remove the Skype Plugin and Adium no longer crashed. Is there a fix in the works?


I am using:
- OSX 10.6.8
- Adium 1.5
- Skype

Take care!

# by Andeas on 03/20/12 at 11:59:48

Would love that too! +1 from me for a compatible version with Adium 1.5. Thak you very much!

P.S: Is the code for this plugin on github or some other location, where people could contribute to it?

# by daqron on 03/22/12 at 18:58:58

I am experiencing the crash on boot as well. After the initial crash, I relaunch Adium and it works. Let me know if a full crash report is needed and where the appropriate place to post it is.

OSX 10.7.3
Adium 1.5
Skype Plugin 1.1


# by mratzloff on 04/30/12 at 19:32:55

Same here.

OS X 10.7.3
Adium 1.4.5
Adium Skype Plugin 1.4

Skype was experiencing some sort of crash before and so I fixed it with a patched version of the Skype plugin from the Adium team.

The following errors repeatedly appear in syslog:

Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_presence_set_status_active: assertion `status != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_get_type: assertion `status != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_type_get_primitive: assertion `status_type != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_get_type: assertion `status != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_type_get_primitive: assertion `status_type != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_is_online: assertion `status != NULL' failed
Apr 30 09:11:21 my-machine-name [0x0-0x7007].com.adiumX.adiumX[359]: ** (process:359): CRITICAL **: purple_status_is_available: assertion `status != NULL' failed

# by mratzloff on 04/30/12 at 19:40:48

Nevermind. It was causing a full-on kernel panic at boot before (over multiple boots) but seems to work now after I downloaded the Skype plugin version from this page.

# by Taku on 03/20/12 at 14:47:23

The Skype Plugin is pretty cool, but two things are nasty:

- If I get a skype call, both the skype and the adium call windows pop up. It would be nice to see only the skype call window.

- Whenever a skype contact connects who doesn't have a mood message, it says:
|xxxxxx signed in |
|Connected: Offline |

Those are no serious bugs, but it would be nice if there was some way to fix that.

Thanks ;-)

# by daqron on 03/31/12 at 19:12:56

Follow-up on the crash I reported ... if you launch Adium first, then Skype, it works OK.

# by thecraigmcrae on 04/13/12 at 17:22:13

This is broken with the new version of skype (5.0). Messages only get sent, responses only show up in skype itself.

# by naturexpert on 04/20/12 at 02:34:50

Hello, I am trying to add my skype contacts on adium and I can't. It's always blocked and nothing move.

Can you help me please? I have adium version 1.4.5 and skype version

You can reach me at Thanks for your help!

# by nmkea on 04/22/12 at 20:39:39

Groups, groups, groups. This must be tiring for you. So everyone is a permanent member of both 'Skype' and 'Buddies' I long ago gave up trying to eliminate those groups, so I collapse them in the Contact List window.

But - I've got a couple of contacts who are members of two other groups that I created. No matter how many times I 'Get Info' and remove them from one group, the next time I start Adium, they are back in both groups again. Then there are the groups I created that I no longer need and that I can't delete (they come back too.)

Any hints?


# by nmkea on 04/27/12 at 17:08:32

Where are the groups actually stored? Is there something that Skype saves which is overwriting local changes after they are made? There are two groups which I no longer want or need. I've removed them about six times and they keep coming back on a restart. At this point, I'd be happy getting rid of groups altogether if it would give me a single instance per contact in the contact list.

# by nmkea on 04/30/12 at 07:50:35

Found group info (many, many, many instances of it) in ~user/library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple/blist.xml Stopped Adium, moved the file out of the directory, restarted Adium. Usernames all came up in one group (Buddies) with all references to other groups gone. The newly generated blist.xml is ~7 kbytes. The old one was 3 megabytes(!)

# by nmkea on 05/03/12 at 00:48:13

Hit +3 by mistake this morning and got a window showing groups with contacts in them. Apparently Skype does calls them Lists. If you right-click on a contact in Skype ( for Mac) you have the option to "Add to list" which moves them from "Ungrouped Contacts" to the selected group. There's a 'Create list' option in this bubble/window, but apparently no way to delete a list.

# by swizzinex on 05/08/12 at 16:06:44

Hi there. Unfortunately I have a strange problem with the Skype Plugin for Adium (all apps & components in the most recent version!): I do not receive every message of my Skype contacts in Adium. Like 90% work, but there are a few that do not show up in Adium... personally the big downside of it is, that I don't receive the messages from my Boss ;) I just ocassionally see them when I am switching back to Skype itself.

Any clues why this might happen, if I can fix it myself or how I can dig the real issue behind it down?


# by BigBrownChunx on 05/08/12 at 23:07:31

Unfortunately with the most recent version of Skype for osx, some people are missing some of their messages. Not entirely sure what's going on yet but if you could email me a debug log from Adium with some missed messages we might be able to track it down.

# by parnold on 05/09/12 at 00:17:34

I'm having the same problem. I'm also seeing a problem where new messages in Skype group chats *do* cause the tab on the message window to show status properly (turn purple and show number of new messages), but do not cause the Adium dock icon to show status properly.

I'll send along debug logs.

# by waterchiller on 05/18/12 at 15:54:42

Hi, also have the same problem. About 50% of the messages are showing in skype and not in adium. If do not chatting and someone send a message it shows in skype. If chatting normally there is no problem. Thought it has a problem with the status "away" but not really. Switched in skype status never go to away. It is controlled by adium. But did not helped. Any ideas? The problem exists since I updated to adium 1.5

# by swizzinex on 05/22/12 at 10:40:30

I don't see any pattern of when it works and when not. I don't receive messages of newly added contacts, but for some new contacts it does work. Then it works for many existing contacts, but for some it doesn't.
How can I generate a Debug Log? Do I have to run Adium in Debug Mode (holding down option key when launching, as proposed by @ramonrails) to get it?

# by ramonrails on 05/22/12 at 10:32:52

I have noticed that this behavior improves to some extent when starting Adium in debug mode (hold option key when launching)
It does not work always though.

# by emaba on 07/09/12 at 16:12:42

No fix to this problem? Please help us!!! :-)

# by bas_der_gruene on 07/13/12 at 09:45:53

I do have the same problem, but I think this is an issue Skype itself triggers. Since I have problems with the communication between Adium and Skype I also do have problems with Skype and Growl. Skype seem to lose the connection to growl and switches all the time (or some time...) back to the fallback built-in notifying-system. (Skype-Ticketing-System: - but the suggested starting-order doesn't solve this issue)

I started Adium in Debug-Mode today and saving the protocol to my log-folder, so I come back here, when I was able to log this issue.

# by waterchiller on 05/22/12 at 11:43:30

Noticed that who writes from iphone got 99% to skype and not adium. From normal PC get about 50% on adium 50% skype

# by nmkea on 08/09/12 at 20:28:09

It mostly seems to happen when there's another IM chat going on, and perhaps also related to a long period between replies. e.g. I have a brief chat with someone who's on the phone. 5 minutes later I start another chat. First buddy gets off the phone and IMs me, but it shows up on Skype and does not hit Adium.

# by slickmb on 08/29/12 at 19:21:37

If it helps, the problem never seems to happen for group chats for me. All my group chats make it to Adium.

# by waterchiller on 09/17/12 at 23:19:56

Solution: Download from here an older skype version. Testing now 5.6.0143 and it seems to work the last 2 days. Works also with older ones since 5.0

# by gobo on 11/06/12 at 10:40:23

I have this skype contact which I've added to a set of groups. But removing it from a group does not seem to work. If I restart Adium again he's back in that original group. I only get it with that one contact, and it's a contact only from Skype. Any ideas what might be going on?

# by uladz on 11/20/12 at 04:36:19

The plugin incorrectly work with group information. If you move a Skype contact from one group to another that it will last till the next Adium restart. After restart the contact goes back to "Buddies" group no metter what. Interesting that in Skype application it actually gets to a group you've just used in Adium but Skype Aidum plugin seems to completely ignore Skype grouping info when reading contacts via Skype API. Using Skype 6.0, will try to roll back to 5.6...

# by uladz on 11/20/12 at 04:44:40

Does not matter Skype 6.0 or 5.8 or 5.6 groups does not work with any of them. Nice.

# by BigBrownChunx on 11/20/12 at 05:28:36

Yep, if you have a look through the comments here and at the issue tracker on googlecode, it's a long standing issue. I could really do with a hand to fix it as the same code works fine in other clients eg Pidgin. If you look at your blist.xml file you'll notice the buddy being added multiple times. It's as if Adium forgets that the buddy is already on the buddy list when it restarts and just adds them to the end of the buddy list again.

# by uladz on 11/20/12 at 05:34:15

hmm, interesting. i'll grab the sources from svn and try to follow the issue. can you point to the particular part of code? or drop me a message via Skype, I've sent you a copy of this post via Skype too today. I'd be interested to work on the issue in my "free" time. heh.

# by on 02/12/13 at 23:52:57

Is it just me or anybody else experiences Skype receiving your last status update everytime you sign in to Adium? My contacts keep seeing "new" status updates from me with the same information multiple times in their feeds, I assume it's the plugin with its "launch skype if it's not running" as well as its automatic status update routine. Anybody?

# by swizzinex on 02/26/13 at 17:11:09

The current Version of the Skype Plugin (1.1) opens multiple instances of a Group Chat occasionally, when other contacts post something to the group.
In my case, I have set a group chat as Bookmark in Adium and gave it a proper name - not sure, if this leads to the case that the Skype Plugin cannot "find" the real Group Chat?

Further, the issue with some Skype message not appearing in Adium through the Skype API is still persitent! I am using the most recent Version of Adium as well (1.7hgr5363)

# by jotzi on 03/13/13 at 18:48:58

Great plugin.
Is it possible to implement the option to mark the status of contacts connected via mobile?
Something like that:
Thank you

# by BigBrownChunx on 03/14/13 at 02:45:00

Unfortunately not, the Skype api doesn't tell us whether they're mobile users or not

# by mickeyj4j on 05/06/13 at 12:49:49

Adium skype plugin seems to be buggy. first it hangs up sAdium. 2nd it will not show skype contacts. 3rd if skype is already running it will cause adium to crash.
this plugin si a good idea. i just wiosh it worked as well as it does in pidgin on windows and linux.

# by cgaffga on 05/27/13 at 14:46:07

there seems to be no mac build anymore :( tried to build it on my own, but failed. Anybody with success?

# by dhv on 10/21/13 at 19:37:27

What brings me the API if skype has to be started?

# by larrybolt on 10/22/13 at 00:33:32

Great plugin! It works for me, kudos!

# by hoodslide on 10/24/13 at 21:53:43

Worked perfectly for me for the last 6 months, but crashes too frequently to use after OSX 10.9 Mavericks upgrade. Possibly an issue with libpurple? Here's a crash dump:

# by ilmen on 10/25/13 at 14:17:04

Author does not provide support and new version anymore AFAIK :( same error for me.

# by hoodslide on 10/28/13 at 17:56:20

That sucks. But it probably doesn't matter, since Microsoft appears to be killing off the Skype API the plugin relies on:

# by gaaronk on 11/02/13 at 22:16:12

Try to use "Prevent App Nap" setting both for Adium and Skype.
The second problem is crash when you try to get contact info of the skype contact. As I can see it's fixed in the Adium 1.5.9b2

# by Vovik on 12/26/13 at 13:20:04

No, Problem still exist.

# by on 12/03/13 at 04:38:11

Apparently M$ is going to discontinue support for Skype Desktop API (as they now call it) so this plug in has its days counted. I wonder if anyone (or even M$) will be able to support Skype through a standard XMPP route one day.

More at:

# by Vovik on 12/30/13 at 16:04:53

Adium_1.6hgr5814 and Skype Plugin - when trying to get info of skype contact -> crashes

# by Vovik on 03/23/14 at 10:16:43

New Adium Beta 1.5.10b1 released - try it
And post crash logs if it not same

# by Vovik on 04/09/14 at 09:21:01

Good News!
Eion Robb (author of skype plugin) start working on problem

# by johnseif on 07/29/14 at 17:29:54

How would one uninstall this plugin in OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks?

# by reg on 08/11/14 at 19:59:36

Adium menu => Adium Xtras => Plugins => Skype Plugin
Then click on the "-" button (next to "Disable").

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Current Version: 9Feb
Last Updated: 02/09/12
Eion Robb