
Profile: Paul Wilde (paulwilde)

Admin/Mod Moderator
Comment Count 16 comments
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# by paulwilde on 11/18/12 at 18:07:13

Yay for Retina!

# by paulwilde on 03/02/12 at 07:34:54

Reinstalling seems to have fixed the issues!

Captcha has broken the comments I guess.

# by paulwilde on 03/02/12 at 01:40:30

Every time I open a chat window I see text saying "iCandy released. You have v1.1 Download update" twice, that disappears after about 5 seconds.

There is also a hidden div under the last received message that opens up your Deviantart page.

# by paulwilde on 03/28/11 at 17:37:52

Great plugin. I'm liking this one. :)

# by paulwilde on 01/22/11 at 19:41:26

This looks great. Seems to be taking a while to get approved though...