
Profile: Brendan Ward (Promeytheus)

Comment Count 4 comments
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# by Promeytheus on 09/11/05 at 08:44:30

If you like hughes and you want a dock icon of him i suggest you look for hughes 2. This dock icon is much larger in size and pictures aren't as good. Hughes 2 is better.

# by Promeytheus on 07/25/05 at 09:06:55

How about someone give me a suggestion for my next dock icon. I was thinking about Scar. Give me feedback please!

# by Promeytheus on 04/03/05 at 13:34:22

I was thinking more on the lines of Greed for my next icon.

# by Promeytheus on 03/17/05 at 11:47:20

Im am currently working on the Roy dock icon "flames and all."