
Profile: Ivan (Khanti)

Comment Count 4 comments
0 xtras

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# by Khanti on 05/19/13 at 09:56:57

PLEASE, make a message style xtra out of this. It would be very appreciated. Thank you for your work :)

# by Khanti on 09/05/12 at 09:18:52

Nice work! Personally I will prefer a (very) smaller usernames, and not italics. Please could you make a variant for that? Thanks :)

# by Khanti on 04/30/12 at 10:19:06

Thanks a lot leothar! It works. I knew it was something like that, infact I was able to reach point 3, but then I was stucked.
Thanks again, have a nice day.

# by Khanti on 04/30/12 at 09:24:14

I use this theme from years, and I love it everyday.
Q: how can i add a single smiley to the set? Specifically, the *kiss one?
Ivan from Italy