Profile: computerdude33
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# by computerdude33 on 10/31/05 at 18:26:51
Um, they're smilies designed to make conversations shorter.
# by computerdude33 on 10/27/05 at 15:42:09
This is the best message list style ever. I don't care about the fading, personally; I just love the actual look.
# by computerdude33 on 09/28/05 at 13:39:14
Interesting. I caught a carp*.
(*I hope I don't get CARPal tunnel!)
(*I hope I don't get CARPal tunnel!)
# by computerdude33 on 09/28/05 at 13:36:12
This looks too much like your Candybars Growl style. Which I use as default. 5/5
# by computerdude33 on 11/02/05 at 08:22:57