
Profile: Andrew (devmage)

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# by devmage on 05/07/10 at 00:41:13

Echo to caliguy, albeit not with their apparent degree of frustration. When using the Skype plugin, my Skype contacts are listed as members of that group: ROOTJKSHFOEIZNGIOEOP

That particular group does not show in my Contact List, the contacts appear to just be "floating" within the list. It also is impossible to move them to another group, either by editing the contacts' information or by drag-and-dropping them into a group - Adium either doesn't commit the change or crashes. Also echo the behavior of crashing when trying to delete from this group.

Also reporting a significant performance hit to Adium when using this plugin version. The program becomes unresponsive for seconds at a time, without an overt cause. Presuming these are update intervals for the Skype API?

MBP running SL 10.6
Adium 1.4b17
Skype plugin 2Mar