
Profile: tim d (tim)

Comment Count 15 comments
2 xtras

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# by tim on 06/29/08 at 12:08:48

To type a letter with an umlaut, press option+u then press the character you want with an umlaut. I believe this only works with a, e, i, o, and u but there might be a couple more.

# by tim on 06/27/07 at 08:29:12

Transparency/resolution problems, eh? Perhaps I can help.

# by tim on 05/29/07 at 11:59:29

Excellent, thank you!

# by tim on 04/26/07 at 11:12:47

This emoticon pack is "unfinished" - there are images in the package that aren't written into the .plist file, including the one that is used as the icon for the emoticon set (bp.gif). Everything after bi.gif is currently impossible to access in Adium without editing the .plist file in the emoticon pack. I really like bp.gif and hope that you release another version that adds the overlooked gifs.

# by tim on 09/11/04 at 12:00:06

Thank you!! I was about to make something like this myself.