
Profile: Reavermaster

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# by Reavermaster on 06/15/09 at 10:27:10

Or you update the style to the newest version. The autor released an update ;).

# by Reavermaster on 06/15/09 at 10:24:38

Right click on the Cinematic.AdiumMessageStyle and click at open content. Don't know if it's really named open content or something like show content. I'm from Germany so at me it's named Paketinhalt anzeigen.

And your name have to be in the user folder. If not you are not a user of that mac;). You have to know that there are no special characters like ß or ö allow/will not shown.

And again ... sorry for my bad english.

# by Reavermaster on 06/14/09 at 18:55:01

1.) I downloaded the new reflection.js(
2.) moved to /Users/[your_username]/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Message Styles
3.) opened the package content of Cinematic.AdiumMessageStyle
4.) moved to /Contents/Resources/
5.) replaced the reflection.js with the new one
6.) opened reflection.js with dashcode and edited the line "defaultHeight : 0.5," to "defaultHeight : 0.3," and saved it ...
That's it ... sorry for my bad english ...

# by Reavermaster on 06/13/09 at 13:04:47

@erterte: Yeah your discription fixed the reflection-problems at adium. Thx man :-)