
Profile: Andreas Lanjerud (helloandy)

Comment Count 6 comments
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# by helloandy on 09/05/09 at 06:55:32

Hi! Thanks for your comment. I will look into your request before releasing the new version (which has all of the above, a white version, and more)

# by helloandy on 09/05/09 at 06:54:43

Hi, this version of the theme is terrible outdated. I will look into your request before updating it.

# by helloandy on 03/19/09 at 14:25:44

Yes, it will be included as soon as I've got everything working with this black variant.

# by helloandy on 03/19/09 at 12:16:43

I'm planning to add a white/bright variant and I could make a higher-contrast variant too, when I figured out this first dark one. :) Thanks for commenting!

# by helloandy on 03/19/09 at 12:01:17

Most (if not all?) Twitter clients will show each nextcontent as a new message, complete with a buddyicon and everything. That seemed a bit overkill with Adium but the usual more merged message style didn't work very well either since each tweet is a completely new message, which may or may not be addressed to you.

A little tricky to make a style that works for both twitter and msn/icq/... :)