
Profile: hackand

Comment Count 3 comments
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# by hackand on 12/09/08 at 20:33:19

Really nice, although I'd love it if I could sort them by status and *then* by log size, so my contact list doesn't look like a Christmas tree:

# by hackand on 12/05/08 at 12:42:40

You can do that in Adium, actually. Go to the Adium menu, select "Privacy settings…" and configure it as you like :)

That's how I fixed my big MSN spam issue.

# by hackand on 12/02/08 at 18:59:38

I exclusively registered on Adium Xtras to be able to tell you how much I love NoteBoard. Too freaking awesome. The animations are incredibly simple, yet stunning, which means I'll never be able to chat again without being lovely over-stimulated. Sir, you are a genius.

Thank you for this. :)