
Profile: silverbeat

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# by silverbeat on 05/27/10 at 15:58:29


I also have problems using the group chat. Sometimes people invite me to one, but I don't get all of their messages so I always have to unhide Skype and use the original client.

Which problems are known, and can you say if there will be a solution?

Regards, silverbeat

# by silverbeat on 04/06/09 at 16:51:58

Nice, thanks! :)

# by silverbeat on 04/06/09 at 16:41:50

updated to current version (1. Apr), but still can't change Skype's status from Adium; using Skype and Adium 1.3.3

# by silverbeat on 03/08/09 at 09:14:35

This seems to be a bug in the current version, it worked in previous ones.

# by silverbeat on 01/22/09 at 15:51:32

Thanks for the update, BigBrownChunx, but it does not work on my mac. Update is installed, Adium and Skype are both restarted. When I change the status using Adium, it does not affect the status icon at the top of the Skype window. Also, when I tell Adium to disconnect Skype, it seems to only disconnect the API connection, but my Skype accout keeps online. When Skype is offline, connecting with Adium works, but Adium connects Skype always as "Online".

I'm using german as my system's language, does that affect the behavior of the Skype plugin?

What's more, "occupied" does not appear in the dropdown list of the plugin's status window in Adium. Is that intended?