
Profile: Evan Hindra (hidea)

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# by hidea on 08/17/07 at 06:53:57

Ooo... I thought it would automatically populate the To: Field with the currently active/highlighted contact. And if there's multiple account, it would offer me with a selection, which email address to choose.


(maybe you should add that as a feature)

# by hidea on 08/17/07 at 06:38:59

No... does the MSN contact's email have to co-exist in addressbook?

# by hidea on 08/17/07 at 06:16:29

I think I'm having a problem:

The To field is blank!

I'm using the latest version of Adium (1.1.1) and the latest version of this plugin!

# by hidea on 08/14/07 at 16:34:15

I'm sorry, off topic, but what's the wallpaper you're using? It looks really cool! I know it's a simple hardwood flooring, but that's how I like my wallpaper!