
Profile: John Cappiello (phunnel)

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# by phunnel on 06/19/07 at 10:05:18

why is it that the buddy icon for the header isn't the same as the per message buddy icon of other message styles. I see that it's a different template key. Adium seems to handle them differently. None of my user set buddy icons on my end seem to take affect. They seem to only be the buddy icon the other user sends me.

# by phunnel on 06/19/07 at 08:37:10

Hrm, good point! I mistakenly thought that /not/ using the beta, would have been acceptable. I'm upgrading now, I'll report back later.

# by phunnel on 06/18/07 at 22:25:00

Also, I created the following variant. Very plain. I called it Bland.css :

I was unable to test all aspects of it, but it's probably very close.

@import url("../main.css");

.outgoing .message, .time, .sender {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-shadow: none;

.incoming .message, .incoming .time, .incoming .sender {
color: #3333FF;
text-shadow: none;

a {
color: #0000FF;
text-decoration: underline;

a:link {
text-shadow:1px 1px 7px #6bffcb;
color: #2afefe;

a:visited {
color: #007bff;
text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #aa0000;

img {
padding: 1px;
border: solid 1px #3333FF;

# by phunnel on 06/18/07 at 22:12:18

also, as a personal note, I remove the cursor from the theme, and sometimes the border around the img, depending.

The blinking cursor is very distracting, but the img is a great way to see easily who you're chatting with (if you use head shots for your buddy icons)

# by phunnel on 06/18/07 at 22:10:45

I was having a problem where the bottom line of text was obscured by the actual message input box. The following in main.css fixed it.

margin-bottom: -10px ;