
Profile: Shahrum Amiri (shahrum)

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# by shahrum on 09/02/06 at 23:21:17

When you are idle & away you get the clock for idle with a bar over it for away. Can you make it set so that it only uses the clock and doesn't put the bar over it? Often times I'll really be using the computer but use Adium's 'appear idle immediately' to fool friends that I'm not really here! Thanks!

# by shahrum on 08/14/06 at 20:07:05

BEAUTIFUL! By far my favorite of your series! I've always loved the minimalistic look and this time with the same colors it's great! Oh, and not to forget, I love the lime color for the new IM's!

# by shahrum on 08/09/06 at 21:58:54

Wonderful - simplistic, minimalistic, and a great blend in with OSX without having to use something overly colorful!