
Profile: marco (tzippy)

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# by tzippy on 04/12/06 at 08:35:59

Thanks a worked. I just told him not to "tell iTunes" to play :-)

# by tzippy on 04/12/06 at 08:26:56

I just figured out it's only happening when I set my Status to away with /AdiTunes as automatic reply. But it happens even though I get no messages.
When I set my status to available everythings is fine again. No sudden playback/unpause.
But when I set it back to "away" with /AdiTunes as automatic reply it starts playback immediately. strange huh?

# by tzippy on 04/12/06 at 08:15:34

Since I got AdiTunes installed I have nocontrl over iTunes playback anymore. Every 15 seconds it starts playing even though I paused it before. Is this a known bug?