
Profile: Donat (Donuts)

Comment Count 3 comments
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# by Donuts on 11/19/07 at 05:12:47

I'm not really supporting this in any way, it was just for myself and I shared it. But I do believe if you want state changes with Litho you should have a look here:

# by Donuts on 09/03/05 at 02:06:17

Indeed, I used this small excercise to figure our the basic xml file coding involved... not much work there in the end :)

# by Donuts on 09/02/05 at 11:48:36

I simply love these smileys, the best :D
Now I have a slight issue: whenever I have these icons and msn as a backup for when the smiley isn't covered, the msn ones will override this one, and I don't get to enjoy it... anyone ?