
Profile: Rasmus Andersson (rasmus)

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# by rasmus on 02/19/08 at 16:25:13


# by rasmus on 05/28/06 at 08:47:26

Have you deleted all preferences and app-support files when making the reinstall? Else, you just reinstall the program runtime itself, not the state of the program.

# by rasmus on 03/24/06 at 05:30:04

Really neat. Though, i fancy users own icons/mugshots as list bulltes.

# by rasmus on 11/22/05 at 12:36:47

It's called IconPack.plist and lies directly in the bundle. Edit it using any text editor. (even though Apple Property List Editor is easier to use, if you have it)
What you're looking for is in the "State" dictionary. Just mess around and you'll se what happens.

# by rasmus on 11/15/05 at 23:59:24

breezemaster: So, you're saying you got a message, then you go offline, and the you-got-a-message animation (with the blinking exclamation) still showing up? I don't know if it's technically possible to have two different icons for those states. However, you can select Show Package Contents on the icon bundle and edit the plist to remove the animation completely. It's quite self-explainatory in there. Anyway, I'm glad you like it.