
Profile: Dorian Grey (om3ga)

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# by om3ga on 07/05/09 at 06:49:19

Yesterday I stumbled over this wonderful theme and I really have to say that it is the best message style so far! Great work!

But plz fix the "no avatars"-version ... I also want to use it, but at the moment it is impossible! ;) Good luck with your exams!

# by om3ga on 08/17/08 at 16:59:17

really great icons (except DND - can't see what this should be)!

they would be even better, if you could make the white transparent, so that they can be used on every surface ... keep up the good work!

# by om3ga on 08/17/08 at 16:56:15

probably the best message-style around. a must for everyone who is looking for class and style!