
Profile: Cale Lares (caletz)

Comment Count 22 comments
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# by caletz on 04/03/10 at 05:41:08

LOVE IT!!!!! AWESOME SCROOL!!!!!!! PLease ADium Devs! make this Scroll DEFAULT!!!

# by caletz on 04/03/10 at 05:33:01

FINALLY SOmeone has done what ive been hoping for! LOOOVE the scrol!!!!! MUST BE DEFAULT in adium!!!!!!!!!

# by caletz on 09/23/09 at 01:42:28

Thank you! so much! Great keep the good Work! make Msn on Adium better than windows! :D

# by caletz on 08/03/08 at 05:51:15

No problem mate! Btw : again, Great Job so Far!

# by caletz on 07/09/08 at 16:21:23

I mean, that i am like '' Who said that'' :P