
Profile: Craig Sawyer (csawyer)

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# by csawyer on 12/29/04 at 00:21:21

He's copyrighted, and I have permission to host him here from both the creator of the original Daemon, and the one that created this actual artwork(Please read the README.txt file for details, links, etc). Their stance was since OSX is based on FreeBSD, that it's still BSD, so it's OK to use the Daemon. He is technically the FreeBSD Daemon, but the creator says if you must give it a name, call him Beastie. So we have permission to use it, and I encourage you to do so! I can't figure out how to kill the first preview(that was from the first version). The second preview(the one with the labels for the different states, is for the current version). Photoshop file is available for your hacking pleasure @