Capitaine Haddock |
Submitted By Dark Mok (darkmok) |
DescriptionLes insultes et les jurons du capitaine Haddock ? port?e de souris, pour innonder vos interlocuteurs dans la bonne humeur ! (French insults from Captain Haddock, a character from the famous european comic "Tintin")ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by on 11/13/04 at 20:44:54Nice idea, but do you think you could make an english version as well? :)
# by p?lip on 01/18/05 at 22:47:41hahaha!!! formidable, je me suis d?ja bien bidon? et ca va continuer! Les insultes en mode "shuffle" ca casse la baraque , bravo!
# by ultraman on 03/18/05 at 08:59:57tr?s sympa, merci beaucoup, compl?tement inutile donc totalement indispensable ;)
# by on 06/18/05 at 07:03:26Hahahaha ! Enfin comment casser les gens quand on a pas de tact ! Merci Haddock ! :)
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# by electronicpretz on 11/13/04 at 01:09:56