Text Scrambler |
Submitted By Leif Heflin (ihaveabellybutton) |
DescriptionUpdates in version 3:
Text Scrambler scrambles text so that only the recipient will understand it. Let's say you want to scramble "Adium X" and send it to your buddy. When you run that through Text Scrambler it will return "ÖÀ’Ì›C?". Then your buddy can open Text Scrambler and descramble that. CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by ihaveabellybutton on 10/28/04 at 22:58:18it just scrambles text into jibberish and then descrambles it back to english
# by Hypercube on 11/03/04 at 23:40:55Could be useful, I suppose, if discussing details that some didn't want to see ('spoilers' for games, perhaps).
I use a rot-13 universal script for that... # by Neverbeenherebefore on 11/07/04 at 16:35:00Well ive never been here before and im new to this stuff but i think if you want to send encoded messages like we have the money and stuff like that but this is cool. Thanks guys. More great work.
# by goblin on 05/17/05 at 20:17:23cool script, but can someone make one that does this?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. so, somehting that scrambles all the letters except the first and last. its still readable, but it drives english majors (like my roommate) crazy. # by ihaveabellybutton on 05/17/05 at 20:21:33Someone wanted me to make that script but i haven't been able to.
# by on 06/14/05 at 20:39:31Not that cool, really. All it does it take the numerical value of the letter, subtract 1. Thus an L becomes K, E to D, etc. If it actually had a harder core algorithm, that'd be worthwhile. Kiddy stuff.
# by on 06/15/05 at 17:31:37When that Cambridge encoding thing first came out as a slashdot article, someone posted a short perl script that would do all that for you. However, this post is near worthless as I don't have the code (and couldn't write it even with a gun to my head.) and only can tell you that it exists.
# by strawberries on 06/16/05 at 07:46:00can anybody tell me how to find an encoder better than this thing for free? please awnser my post
# by on 06/20/05 at 23:21:42It's obviously not meant to be a strong algorithm. We already have PGP built in to Adium for that.
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# by trebe on 10/28/04 at 21:34:51