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Submitted By Quinn Chrzan (quinnchr)


What Does It Do?

Abbriator is an almost entirely useless AppleScript that automatically creates initialisms for you, put simply it abbreviates whatever you type in. Ever wanted to pretend you're a thirteen year old girl texting or chatting on myspace? Well then you're in luck! Tired of simply typing "lol," well now you can let Abbriator do the work for you, simply type "%_abbr{Laughing Out Loud}" and Abbriator does all the hard work.


%_abbr{this is text} returns the initialism of whatever you put in the brackets. It preserves capitalization, but gets rid of that pesky punctuation.


If you use this unironically you are probably a terrible person.

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7.48kb (533 downloads)

4.40 / 5 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/30/09