Nice work, but the sounds all start late—almost a 2-second delay before the alert actually starts. You might want to shave off that silence at the beginning with a sound editor like Audacity (which is free).
Also, it didn't install right. Looks like you left out the requisite XML file and didn't bundle it as a package. (You should also rename it something other than "adium".) To see how it's done, right-click (or ctrl-click) on a soundset like Tokyo Train Station and select "Show Package Contents".
couple small problems though:
like csquared said, there's a delay before each sound
and the sounds are too stressing to me
also, needs the required xml sheet (as said above)
# by csquared on 09/27/07 at 20:36:38
Also, it didn't install right. Looks like you left out the requisite XML file and didn't bundle it as a package. (You should also rename it something other than "adium".) To see how it's done, right-click (or ctrl-click) on a soundset like Tokyo Train Station and select "Show Package Contents".
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