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Dark Circuitry

Dark Circuitry

Submitted By Naman


A reasonably simple dark message style, currently with Normal (left icons) Alternating Icons (left out, right in) and Time on Consecutive (for both normal and alternating) modes. If you want more options, feel free to request them for the next version.



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# by on 09/11/04 at 05:17:35

you should make it so it shows the persons buddy icon instead of the ducks/paws/etc...

but other than that i really like it

# by Naman on 09/15/04 at 01:05:36

Actually, it does show the person's buddy icon. The paws are my buddy icon. ^_^ (Both those accounts are mine.)

# by alysandra on 03/06/07 at 08:29:16

can we resize the buddy icons? coz when i'm using it, my friend's icon is cut off halfway

lastly.. can the colour of the names be personalised? coz black n blue dun show up that well with black...

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28.49kb (5700 downloads)

3.20 / 109 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 07/16/04
Theme and background image by Naman, using the Adium team's "Retro" as a template. (Song lyrics borrowed from Monty Python.)