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Submitted By Yaw Anokwa (yanokwa)


This script pulls the most recent links from any delicious user every few hours. To show the text, type %delicious where you want the links to appear.

After installing, you should edit the number of links, user, and frequency of updates. These variables can be found in
~/Library/Application\ Support/Adium\ 2.0/Scripts/deliciousAdium.AdiumScripts/Contents/Resources/deliciousadium.scpt

Feel free to modify the script as you see fit and let me know if you have questions, comments, etc.


Version 1.1
- Cleaner functions
- Better error mechanism
- Fixed bugs with special characters in URL

Version 1.0
- Released script

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9.08kb (304 downloads)

4.60 / 7 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 08/01/06
by Yaw Anokwa