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Submitted By Richard Gilbert (dcentity2000)


After watching 2001: A Space Odyssey, I got bored and decided to bring H.A.L. to my desktop. Luckily, there are already some great dock icons available on the XTras site; however, status icons were lacking, so I whipped this up.

The graphic started off based on this Deviant Art piece by ~NieSwiety. It was further photoshopped to resemble the red eye piece of the infamous computer.

If there's enough support, I'll make this into a Dock Icon too as it seems to be reasonably different from the existing ones here.


1.0 - Initial release
1.1 - Updated new message icon to a more acceptable size


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# by zaudragon on 03/24/06 at 21:51:56

I don’t see very much resemblance close-up. But when small, I guess it kind of looks like HAL…

# by KPDover on 03/25/06 at 00:31:00

I saw this in somebody's post in the screenshots thread (maybe yours) and didn't recognize the icons. When I squinted real hard, I guessed it was Hal. So before seeing this Xtra approved, I knew what it was supposed to be. I like the kind of softened design of the eye.

# by Marius_Th on 03/30/06 at 03:40:00

not too much resembling it exactly, but it does look pretty
Also, please tell what contact list style you're using ^_^

# by simplebeep on 04/11/06 at 18:28:00

I like it, and it does look a lot like HAL9000. But there are a couple of problems. For one think, HAL doesn't have any sort of Aqua tinting (at least not as I remember). Secondly, the center of the icon should be round, not diamond shaped. I would appreciate if you fixed at least the latter.

Thanks! Taldar

# by Stef on 03/24/07 at 19:21:11

Dude amazing great only things that need to be said keep it up

Cheers From Belgium

# by Dy3pBa11a1713 on 06/06/07 at 02:42:04

can u tell me wat other colors there r, and wat they mean, cuz right now, one of them is blue.

# by Beaeuge on 08/27/07 at 17:59:39

its nice...

# by ddamato on 02/25/08 at 15:13:49

I honestly hate that movie, but I like these icons. *grin*

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 03/22/06
~NieSwiety for the base .psd file