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Get Mail

Get Mail

Submitted By Kiel Gillard (Kiel)


This is an extremely simple AppleScript that provokes Apple's Mail application to check for new messages when Adium gets a new mail notification.

To make the script execute when Adium receives new mail notification:

  1. With Adium in as the frontmost application, choose Adium > Preferences...
  2. Select the "Events" toolbar item in the Preferences window.
  3. Find and select the "New email notification" event in the list of events.
  4. Click the "+" button to add a new action to the "New email notification" event.
  5. From the Action popup menu, choose "Run an AppleScript".
  6. Click the "Browse" button and choose the Get Mail applescript you have downloaded.
  7. Click OK.

Now Mail will check all accounts for new mail when Adium receives a new mail notification. If you want Mail to check for new mail in a specific account, you will find instructions in the Get Mail AppleScript when you open it with Apple Script Editor.


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# by 61Tipo61 on 02/05/06 at 16:03:38

Wow! That's kinda cool.

# by m2e on 02/05/06 at 18:45:59

nice work!

# by Plentyofpaper654 on 02/05/06 at 21:25:24

Very nice. I'm in the habit of turning Mail on and hiding it while it checks for e-mail every minute, so it's not that useful to me. Still, it's very practical and a perfectly reasonable alternative to my method.

# by Mistron on 04/06/07 at 16:50:24

It would be nice if there was a scrpt like this for thunderbird, That is the email client I use...

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1.19kb (3707 downloads)

3.90 / 14 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/05/06