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Modified Chat Bubbles

Modified Chat Bubbles

Submitted By M4X


I have a black background, so I swiched the "mobile" icon from black to white.



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# by iGabe on 05/10/06 at 00:13:29

Excellent. Very helpful.

I managed to copy it (my amazing preference-changing-and-color-palatte-skills) after not being able to find it, but I'm curious what Contact List theme you've used in the screenshot?

# by M4X on 05/10/06 at 01:32:46

My own. It says I've used Clouds as a base contact list theme. Maybe I'll submit it.

# by iGabe on 05/10/06 at 01:50:13

Ah nice. Well, I've copied it fully now (and customized a bit)... hope you don't mind ;-)

Quick other question: What font are your contacts? I spent a long time in Font but somehow couldn't figure out which you used. I think it goes well with your specific color scheme.

Anyhow, if you choose to post the theme, put a note here somewhere. :D

Oh, and thanks for the quick answer!

# by M4X on 05/10/06 at 01:59:36

Lucida Grande 9 as the contact font

Lucida Grande 8 as the Status font.

# by iGabe on 05/10/06 at 02:01:57

Thanks man. Too obvious.

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Last Updated: 05/03/05
Apple(airport logo), Adium team for original icon pack