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KoRn List

KoRn List

Submitted By Steve T (whosjacktoft)


Korn-themed contact list



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# by BlueRevolution on 02/24/05 at 03:51:31

please get rid of that animated icon. the flashing could cause an epileptic seizure or really annoy the hell out of somebody.

# by whosjacktoft on 03/05/05 at 01:05:03

If someone has a seizure from looking at a flashing icon, then the internet is probably not something they should be using, is it? But seeing as how i wouldn't want to cause the death of some faint-hearted moron who is putting his life on the line just to obtain a new style of his contact list, I shall change the icon. And as for annoying the hell out of somebody, get over it. Fairy.

# by MJ on 05/12/05 at 13:08:22

I agree with Steve. I mean if you're going to have a seizure over a style for a program... then don't download it, or better still - don't use a computer. As for annoying the hell out of someone? If it annoys them that much - don't use it!

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Last Updated: 02/09/05