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Frosty Duck

Frosty Duck

Submitted By Erin Ferrell (lysistrata398)


Just in time for Christmas - It's Frosty the Snow Duck....thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety, thump, thump! Look at Frosty go!!

*note*He's a tad smaller than your average Adiumy in order to make room for his magic hat!



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# by nanovivid on 12/23/04 at 03:07:02

Another beautiful (and adorable) creation.

# by zaudragon on 12/23/04 at 05:04:47

The pipe looks unnatural, so open up the beaks a bit!

# by lysistrata398 on 12/23/04 at 14:17:15

The pipe is situated way back on the side of the mouth so he doesn't have to open the front of his beak. :)

# by zaudragon on 12/23/04 at 17:10:23

But aren't beaks hard? They can't bend like that. ;-)

# by auric on 10/06/07 at 18:36:58

I have news for you. Ducks don't wear hats either...

# by wunderwood on 12/23/04 at 23:25:32

He's beautiful. You have no idea what It's like to post your babys on this site and have them trashed.

# by msisk on 11/23/05 at 11:10:43

he's sooo cute! nice job on the scarf/broom/hat, i love them

# by biglittledragoon on 12/18/05 at 08:59:54

Exactly what I need in those frosty moments. Makes me feel stronger how we miss you. You're 1337!

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66.34kb (15016 downloads)

4.00 / 169 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/20/04
Original Adiumy by Adam Betts.