
Profile: Nakimi 69 (Nakimi69)

Comment Count 19 comments
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# by Nakimi69 on 06/12/12 at 20:24:06

Well done! Looking forward to the next colour batches. Can we change the type/size of font for this msg style?
Keep up the good work! (^__^)

# by Nakimi69 on 03/13/11 at 15:05:57

Thanksssss!! (^__^)

# by Nakimi69 on 03/13/11 at 12:40:59

the tiny URL you gave for the cool wallpaper no longer exists... is there another site where we can find it again? :-/
other than that, great job on the adiumtwit bar! (^__^) thanks!!

# by Nakimi69 on 01/10/11 at 20:11:24

verrrrrrrrrry nice! i wasn't so sure about the offline icon but it's doable... (^__-) thanks for snazzing up the menu bar for adium users! :-D

# by Nakimi69 on 04/12/10 at 20:57:31

Very nice dock icon! Really like the design! Excellente!