
Profile: Jack Gill (jack)

Comment Count 11 comments
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# by jack on 05/03/05 at 22:17:03

sorry, didn't see you had given me apropos, lemme check it out.

# by jack on 05/03/05 at 22:16:16

the adium update shouldn't affect it - if anything, it's changes in pages. Tell me some examples of broken words and I'll look into it.

# by jack on 12/15/04 at 01:54:22

Hey, nice script. About the subroutine, Adium just inserts the result of the 'substitute' subroutine into the message - that's how these script filters work. -Jack Gill

# by jack on 12/02/04 at 23:03:01

Older versions of Adium had some problem with applescripts. Are you using the latest?

# by jack on 09/29/04 at 07:47:01

Yeah, it's curly brackets with no space.