
Profile: Zach Foster (Zelf24)

Comment Count 24 comments
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# by Zelf24 on 01/18/10 at 19:41:17

Great work. Could we get a Steve Smith #89 Carolina Panthers Adiumy?

# by Zelf24 on 06/19/07 at 20:53:57

Thank you for the constructive criticism! Unfortunately, the sounds are limited by what Nintendo provides us in the Wii user interface. I've tried to stay as true to the Wii experience as I can, while adapting its native sounds to computer chat. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be more than happy to look into them when given the opportunity! :-)

# by Zelf24 on 04/16/07 at 16:17:23

I never realized Adiumy was so muscular, haha

# by Zelf24 on 04/10/07 at 18:00:51

Thanks for this!

I believe this was "my" request, haha ;-)

Great first edition, looking forward to your future revisions as well!

# by Zelf24 on 04/04/07 at 10:53:54

Thanks! I'll keep a look out.