
Profile: suzykaploozie

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# by suzykaploozie on 04/14/11 at 15:18:47

OMG too cute!!!! Thank you!

# by suzykaploozie on 04/14/11 at 15:18:20

haha disregard my last comment... just realized it comes in diff colors. You rock!

# by suzykaploozie on 04/14/11 at 15:17:41

AWESOME! I love it, thank you! Would be a huge plus if it came in different colors... I personally would love a pink duck ;)

# by suzykaploozie on 07/17/10 at 03:52:23

Wonderful, I truly love it. May I ask where you got your wood desktop background?

# by suzykaploozie on 04/06/10 at 13:18:51

Beautiful, Simple and VERY Elegant. I absolutely love it! Now off to try to find a similar message style.